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Old 11-08-2019 , 13:37   Re: Health Display (aka Show NPC HP) v2.11.45
Reply With Quote #106

Originally Posted by daren adler View Post
I know this is old,,i am a hl2dm server and am trying this plugin. The only way i can get it to show emeny health was to have it in TDM and i am DM
can someone maybe tell me t how
I can get it to show for DM? I tryed // Possible settings are: true=Show friendly players, false=Hide friendly players.
sm_healthdisplay_show_teammates = false; and put (true). but it says the bots i use as friendly, shows the health and everything but say friend,,I am using hrcbots,
No problem, I still try to help. Can you please explain it a little bit more what the problem is now?
As I understand it, you were able to make it work. But still bots show as "friendly" and you want them to show up as "enemy", is that right?
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