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Join Date: Mar 2014
Old 07-22-2014 , 14:50   [BOSS] ROTT tribute boss, completely custom rages/new code, FINISHED
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Video demonstration:

Thi Barrett (r7) [model originally by Blinx and enhanced by RavensBro]
Download Here

It includes the sources, the .ff2, the models/materials, sounds, and the .cfg file.

Details below:

So I'm guessing most people don't really know what I do since most of my rages have been private for Versus Ponyville...but I code rages. I do a little bit of model making but I'm not an artist and I know when to bow to my limitations and let the experts take over. I got super inspired to make something that has nothing to do with ponies and I'll be doing public testing for it soon. Of course all the code will be public here.

I've been trying all sorts of things to make rages that are more or less unique. I've been a fan of VSH/FF2 since I got a decent PC in 2012 (just vanilla TF2 on a "gaming" laptop was a chore before that) and I feel FF2 has endless potential, and I hope this boss concept encapsulates that. This hale plays like nothing you've seen before. Demonstration here:

Thi Barrett is a character from a once famous game called Rise of the Triad. (ROTT) Released in 1994 (shareware, retail was 1995), it was eclipsed by DOOM and even though people were talking about it well into the 90's, no one has a clue what it is today. It got a reboot in 2013 and I loved it, so I created a tribute boss based on the two things that set it apart -- the platforming (it had players above players in 1994) and the quirky weapons.

The boss starts off with high speed (which doesn't do ROTT 1994 justice, heh) but weak melee and a weak, but infinite ammo pistol. This is because in oldschool FPS deathmatch, the first thing people do is go find a rocket launcher so they can one-shot people. (though for balance reasons, these rockets typically don't one-shot anyone )

The G rage gives the hale one of 7 powerups. It's a random chance, but the probabilities can be set. The basic rocket launcher (Bazooka) having a 25% chance, while the powerful Firebomb has only a 10% chance, and the OP God Mode only has a 5% chance. Very likely it'll never show up for the hale. I've coded in the same quirkiness to the weapons as the original ROTT had -- check out the video. The boss can't stun players (I absolutely abhor that mechanic) but moreover the boss can't even stun sentries, but all the rocket launchers have a huge damage boost vs sentries. So the boss will pretty much need to use some ability to win, unless they're up against an utterly clueless crowd.

The hale also gets no super jump. Instead, they can summon props into the world from ROTT. They select with RELOAD and place a prop with ALT FIRE. Jump Pad (5 rage) and Angle Pad (10 rage) are the main mobility props, but the hale can also create platforms. (2.5 rage) The mercenaries can also use these props, and since fall damage is disabled while Thi is the boss, the mercs can use them recklessly. Oldschool FPSes didn't have fall damage.
Finally, the hale can pay 20 rage to summon a slicer trap. It's stationary, non-solid, and hurts like hell to walk through. She can use this to trap people hiding in buildings and then blow them to kingdom come.

* Retooling this boss so it's split into multiple bosses is not recommended. I kind of started with the idea of allowing full multi-boss compatibility but then I abandoned the notion. She can have a companion with different abilities, but not these abilities.
* Trains will destroy props that are above (or presumably below) them.
* Due to the nature of the angle jump pads, they can easily spawn behind walls if user's back is to a wall. No real clean way around this.
* For armor to work, the hale must have a melee weapon specified with one of the ROTT melee weapon rage(s). I don't use the three vaccinator conditions because I've experienced rare crashes caused with those. (I'd rather not describe how it's done)
* For some weird reason some base weapon attributes are leaking in for me (despite not having the flag to do so), which is why I only went with rocket launchers that are reskins of the default, or just don't matter in FF2 like the Black Box.
* Split and Drunk missile use lazy angle math which is obvious when you shoot upwards or downwards. I've decided not to care.
* Can't have real rocket jumping because of FF2 blocking self-damage and weighdown making crouching problematic, so I've implemented a close-enough variety. Most players will pick up on it quickly.
* Firebomb detonates when Short Circuit is used on it. I looked, and tried a couple things, but I couldn't find the event that reports when a player destroys a projectile.
* Jump pads on the ground can't be destroyed by anyone. This is because their .phy collision is necessarily below the player's collision when it spawns. (I use different data to determine when to jump someone up) Though it shouldn't block players and the only reason I made these props destructible is because they can physically block players.

sarysa - Everything not pointed out below
FF2 base coders get credit for some stocks and snippets
Asherkin and voogru credit for the rocket spawning code (which I'd modified quite a bit since)
friagram gets credit for pointing out some improvements for my stocks (back during my earlier mods)

Blinx - Converted the character model, rigged to scout, made an uber skin
RavensBro - Enhanced the character model quite noticibly
sarysa - The props

TESTING (pretty much all VSP regulars)
Skeith (multiple times!)
General Scootz
Gamebrain Darkling
Mike Dragon
Spooky Battz
King Lofty
{Deakes} FireHeart
Anthony Gwaltrey
probably missing a few...

M76030 - Pointed out a mistake with my config file (whoops)

EDIT: Compiled version if you're having trouble compiling the .sp.
Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (ff2_sarysapub1.sp - 655 views - 99.3 KB)
File Type: cfg thi_barrett.cfg (21.6 KB, 687 views)

Last edited by sarysa; 04-04-2015 at 08:48. Reason: actual release
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