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Old 09-24-2013 , 01:12   Re: [Hidden:Source] Visibility
Reply With Quote #33

You probably want to just change all the convars from hsm_vis* to hsm_dis*

To give/take a gun take a look at the autobot plugin, since that force shotties or 303s. There's also the original (and somehow broken) phys vs plugin.

Remember to nick his ammo!

e: Alternatives
1: You could have multiple hsm_vis_model convars and each +/- combo uses a different model
+/-visible = hsm_vis_model = default
+/-disguise = hsm_vis_model_disguise = IRIS + weapon
+/-jimmeh = hsm_vis_model_jimmy = jimmy model.

2: you could have a list of models (based in the models folder so you can fit more in the string and use +/-visible # to pick which model to use.
hsm_vis_models "path/to/hidden,path/to/iris,path/to/barrel,path/to/jimmeh"
+visible or +visible 1 would use the 1st model in the list. +visible 2 would use the 2nd model, and so on.
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Last edited by paegus; 09-24-2013 at 05:32.
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