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Old 04-15-2013 , 04:01   Re: [TF2] Friendly Mode
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Originally Posted by friagram View Post
You have to search for them with findentitybyclassname, and hook entity "player"
You make it sound so simple, lol.

To change hitbox, just change their surroundingvexmins and surroundingvecmaxs if i recall correctly, just make four static float arrays, two for reducing hitbox, and two for restoring it.
Wouldn't resizing the hitbox also change the player's perspective? When I resize myself with sm_resize, I find that my perspective changes to match my new size and hitbox. When changing my size to extremely small amounts, I find that my perspective drops to below the floor beneath me. Wouldn't this be an issue with the method you have suggested? Or is the perspective changing a special feature of sm_Resize?

Further, wouldn't just removing collision be good enough? There simply MUST be a way for players marked as "friendly" to have a complete lack of collision with all other players. And I recall reading somewhere that removing a player's collision in TF2 also causes projectiles and hitscan bullets to pass through them? I'm probably wrong though.

EDIT: Unless of course you mean that I would only reduce the width and depth of the hitboxes, and not the height. That's an interesting idea to me, but it seems like players would be able to fall into strange places that they would normally be to big to fit into?

Another problem... Not sure if this will impact you.
If you set the notarget flag before inventory application, clients will not recieve their items properly, and will become civilian mode. Similarly, it can hapen when they touch a supply locker when under the effect of notarget... items will not be generated properly. This is most noticable when they have advanced options set to not move them in their spawn room when respawning.
When does "inventory application" take place? I don't seem to be having an issue with civvie mode. I did at one point, but an update I've put out since seems to have solved it. No idea what I did to fix it; I seem to recall it having something to do with sm_friendly_remember.

I'm at the point now where simple logic and copy/paste prowess no longer serve me to the extents that I need. :\ Updating the plugin any further will be a fulfilling challenge.

Last edited by ddhoward; 04-15-2013 at 04:14.
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