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Phil 01-29-2004 05:06


I wanted to install amxbans, but did not go! The path data with PhP are wrong... can me one with this thing help?
no matter how I it install, I get error messages again and again... this sucks :?


Originally Posted by Readme
installing the web interface

Open the file located in the dir.
fill in the required information. Make sure you go through *ALL* the settings. *NOTE* Refer to chapter 4 if you have set $CFG->show_graphs to 'yes'. Save your when you're done.
copy all files in the 'web'-folder to a location accessible to your webserver (e.g. /usr/local/www/
open setup.php in your favorite browser (e.g. This will create the necessary tables and default admin.
delete the file setup.php from the dir. Seriously... don't forget to do this!
login using Username 'Superadmin' and password 'admin'. Add at least yourself as admin.
remove the default admin 'Superadmin'. Again seriously... don't forget to do this!
If you start to fiddle around with the web interface at this point, expect to see some errors and/or warnings. This is because no plugins have registered with the database.

and now my problem:


Originally Posted by problem
Warning: main() [function.main]: open_basedir restriction in

effect. File(/usr/local/web/htdocs/amxbans/inc/ is not within

the allowed path(s): (/www/htdocs/amxasc/) in

/www/htdocs/amxasc/amxbans/web/inc/ on line 56

Warning: main(/usr/local/web/htdocs/amxbans/inc/

[function.main]: failed to create stream: Operation not permitted in

/www/htdocs/amxasc/amxbans/web/inc/ on line 56

Fatal error: main() [function.main]: Failed opening required

/usr/local/web/htdocs/amxbans/inc/ (include_path=.:..) in

/www/htdocs/amxasc/amxbans/web/inc/ on line 56


I want it in the AMXforum post, but that´s down :shock:
I hope one of you can help me

_KaszpiR_ 02-25-2004 09:52

please provide more info like php version and php.ini configuration if available

SniperBeamer 02-25-2004 10:10

your provider activated open_basedir restrictions so the script can only read/write files in /www/htdocs/amxasc/ (or subdirs)

><)))*> 02-25-2004 15:32

jo, ich machs mal auf deutsch (sry aber mein englisch ist echt mies)

das gleiche prob hatte ich als ich PHPUA auf dem Webspace von CS-Arena installieren wollte... url:

als ich es dann auf meinem anderen webspace von All-Inklusiv da ging es plötzlich

glaube das Phil auch bei All-Inklusiv ist, deshalb wundert mich, das das nicht geht...

gruß FiSh

ps: hab den Web-Privat "L" Tarif!!

edit: hab die funktionierende URL vergessen:

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