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The Resident 05-30-2008 00:41

Players Votes (v1.5.0) Updated Aug 09 2009
4 Attachment(s)
Players Votes (1.5.0)

say votekick, voteban, votemap & votemute for use by players.

Changes in 1.5.0: (new CVARs, Polish translation)
  • Added BETA-test team-based voting. Kick, Mute, and Ban voting can be restricted to within a team.
  • Added CVAR to control vote menu timeout.
  • Added updated Polish translations (thanks FrozenHaxor!)
  • Allow non-admins to use "!votemap" , "!votemute", etc chat triggers. Admins cannot use them because then it interferes with the identical stock SM triggers.
  • Fixed bug / exploit causing wrong names to be shown in voteban menu.

The Players Votes plugin is now essentially in maintenance mode. I will continue to fix bugs and add some features, but I will not be adding "major" new features (such as cvar votes, session-based votes, essentially anything requiring substantial re-design), because Players Votes has since been surpassed in that area by Chundo's very flexible Custom Votes. I encourage admins that would like new major features to check out Custom Votes.
Input/feedback is more than welcome. I'll definitely investigate reasonable suggestions.

Voteban resiliance: Tired of griefers and hackers evading voteban by disconnecting and reconnecting while voting is underway? Players Votes now makes it hard for those scoundrels to get away with it.

SourceBans notification: If Players Votes is running alongside SourceBans, it will notify and let SB handle the banning.

Voteban reasons: Optionally make players specify a reason for votebanning someone. The most-selected reason is then logged when the ban takes effect.

Admin menu integration: It allows admins to cancel any existing votes for all or any particular type of vote. It allows admins to disable/re-enable all or any particular type of vote. The menu name for adminmenu_sorting.txt and admin overrides is "pv_menu"

Immunity: Admins can be excluded from votekick, ban, and mute by configurable immunity levels or group membership:
Admins with equal or higher immunity level will not be affected by votekick and voteban. 0 to immunize all admins. -1 to disable numeric immunity levels.

Semicolon-delimited list of admin groups. Any members of these groups are immune. Any admin that is NOT a member of these groups will have their numeric immunity level checked against the _immunity cvar.

Basic config 1: use the following to immunize based only on numeric immunity levels:

sm_playersvotes_immunity "50.0" (or whatever number you like)
sm_playersvotes_immunegroups ""

Basic config 2: use the following to immunize based only on group membership: (note only Full Admins and Clan Members are immune in this example. Donors or any other "admins" would NOT be immune)

sm_playersvotes_immunity "-1.0"
sm_playersvotes_immunegroups "Full Admins; Clan Members"

Configurable votemap list: votemap uses the map cycle by default. Server admins may optionally specify a different maplist by adding a playersvotes section to maplists.cfg:


/* For playersvotes plugin */
        "file"            "maplist.txt"

Map extension votes: If map extensions are enabled, when players do a votemap, the first item in the vote menu lets them extend the current map's timelimit.

Team-restricted voting: (BETA FEATURE) When enabled, this restricts voting to within teams, and ratios are affected. A votekick ratio of 0.5 will mean "half of all players within the team" as opposed to "half of players in the whole server."
Please note this can cause undesired side-effects. If this is enabled, someone is hacking, and their team doesn't do anything about it, then the other team is helpless to kick/ban them. Use at your own risk.
Known Issues:
- votekick, ban, and mute menus may not appear if there's only one player on server, or if all players are immune.

1.5.0: Aug 09, 2009 (new CVARS)
- Added BETA-test team-based voting. Kick, Mute, and Ban voting can be restricted to within a team.
- Added CVAR to control vote menu timeout.
- Added updated Polish translations (thanks FrozenHaxor!)
- Allow non-admins to use "!votemap" , "!votemute", etc chat triggers. Admins cannot use them because then it interferes with the identical stock SM triggers.
- Fixed bug / exploit causing wrong names to be shown in voteban menu.

1.4.1: May 30, 2009 (new CVARs, translations)
- Added voteban reasons.
- Added ability for votemap to set the nextmap, rather than change immediately.

1.4.0: Apr 20, 2009 (new CVAR, translations)
- Added German translation (thanks Guggie)
- Added group-based immunity. See the Features section.
- Organized the config file a little more clearly.

1.3.2: Feb 23, 2009
Removed the "[Vote(Etc)] " tags from the notification messages. I agree they seemed pretty redundant.
- Repackaged data file archive to include the source code.

1.3.1: Jan 04, 2009 (new translation phrases)
- Added rudimentary Admin menu. (named "pv_menu")
- Allow votemuted players to be manually unmuted through standard Admin->PlayerCommands->Mute menu.
- Fixed nickname not appearing in SourceBans... as long as player is connected at the time of the ban. Otherwise, nickname appears in the ban reason.
- Fixed potential wrong player being muted if a votemuted player is banned.

1.3.0: Dec 29, 2008 (new CVARS, major exploit fix)
- Voteban redesign to fix long-standing exploit!
- Added votemute
- Added per-player, per-map vote limits for each vote type.
- Changed menu ordering so that items with any votes are promoted to the top of the menu.
- Added Hungarian translation (Thanks KhyrOO)
- Voteban will notify SourceBans of player bans, if SB is installed.
- Fixed bug preventing votemap from working when more than 100 maps are up for voting.
- Fixed some minor bugs when voting is disabled

- Updated cvar sm_playersvotes_immunity so that 0 = all admins immune, -1 = no one is immune. (thanks r3recon) Default is 0. Otherwise, behavior is the same.
- Upped cvar sm_playervotes_interval maximum to 10000. (thanks MaKTaiL)
- Updated cfg file - default sm_playersvotes_immunity to 0.

1.2.5: (NOTE: anyone upgrading from 1.2.4 or prior, take note: NEW CVARS. Please check out the latest data files.)
- Added map extension votes and cvars sm_votemap_extend and sm_votemap_max_extends.
- Prevent immune admins from even showing up in votekick and voteban menus
- Fix votekick and voteban vote resets, in case multiple people are being kicked / banned around the same time.

- Eliminate 64 map limitation and potential crash on servers w/ > 64 maps
- Minor fix to lastmap logic


- Make vote ratio cvars dictate a minimum ratio, rather than approx. ratio.
- Fix stale votes - all votes are now cleared after map change; kick and ban votes are now cleared after the vote passes.
- Eliminated cvar sm_votemap_mapsfile.
- Use maplists.cfg and ReadMapList to obtain maps for votemap
- Update to avoid deprecated functions.
- Compatibility with newest sourcemod
- cvar to prevent adding X last played maps to votemap menu
- few minor fixes
- added auto config execution
- Added german translation (thx Isias)
- Added votemap
- More options
- More cvar options
1.0: First release

CVARS: New 1.5.0 CVARS are RED
sm_votekick_ratio - ratio required for successful votekick
sm_voteban_ratio - ratio required for successful voteban
sm_votemap_ratio - ratio required for successful votemap
sm_votemute_ratio - ratio required for successful votemute

sm_votekick_minimum - minimum votes required for successful votekick, -1 for disable votekick
sm_voteban_minimum - minimum votes required for successful voteban, -1 for disable voteban
sm_votemap_minimum - minimum votes required for successful votemap, -1 for disable votemap
sm_votemute_minimum - minimum votes required for successful votemute, -1 for disable votemute

sm_votekick_delay - time in seconds before votekick is allowed after map start
sm_voteban_delay - time in seconds before voteban is allowed after map start
sm_votemap_delay - time in seconds before votemap is allowed after map start
sm_votemute_delay - time in seconds before votemute is allowed after map start

sm_votekick_limit - number of kick votes allowed per player, per map. Useful for controlling spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 for no limit
sm_voteban_limit - number of ban votes allowed per player, per map. Useful for controlling spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 for no limit
sm_votemap_limit - number of map votes allowed per player, per map. Useful for controlling spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 for no limit
sm_votemute_limit - number of mute votes allowed per player, per map. Useful for controlling spam. 0 to disable voting. -1 for no limit

sm_votekick_team_restrict - restrict kick votes to teams. 1 to enable, 0 to disable.
sm_voteban_team_restrict - restrict ban votes to teams. 1 to enable, 0 to disable.
sm_votemute_team_restrict - restrict mute votes to teams. 1 to enable, 0 to disable.

sm_playersvotes_interval - time in seconds between another vote cast

sm_playersvotes_menu_timeout - number of seconds to display voting menus. 0 for no limit

sm_voteban_time - ban time. 0 for permanent bans

sm_voteban_reasons - semi-colon delimited list of ban reasons. (ex: "Hacking; Spamming; Griefing")

sm_playersvotes_immunity - admins with equal or higher immunity level will not be affected by votekick and voteban. 0 to immunize all admins. -1 to disable immunity levels

sm_playersvotes_immunegroups - Semicolon-delimited list of Admin Groups whose members are all immune. "" to disable group-based immunity

sm_votemap_lastmaps - last number of played maps that will not show in votemap list

sm_votemap_extend - number of minutes to add to the timelimit if the players vote to extend. -1 to disable

sm_votemap_max_extends - number of extensions to allow per map. -1 for no limit

sm_votemap_immediate - 1 to change map immediately after a map wins a votemap. 0 for setting nextmap

This plugin is originally by pVz!. It was abandoned until I fixed some bugs, creating version 1.2.3. See the original, previously-approved plugin thread here.

Thanks to ferret, some things are based on his solutions from plugins in sourcemod base.

.cfg goes in cfg\sourcemod
.sp goes in addons\sourcemod\scripting
.smx goes in addons\sourcemod\plugins
.txt goes in addons\sourcemod\translations

The .zip file includes all the current stock files already stored in relative paths.

DontWannaName 05-30-2008 02:11

Re: Players Votes (v1.2.4)
Maybe since this is out, once its approved, the old one can be unapproved.

dann 05-30-2008 12:52

Re: Players Votes (v1.2.4)
This is actually real nice, its too bad the regular basevotes doesn't have a "minimum number of votes required" like this plugin. Is there a way/cvar to make this plugin so that only admins can start a vote?

DJ Tsunami 05-30-2008 13:16

Re: Players Votes (v1.2.4)
I don't get your question dann, the whole point of this plugin is so that players can start votes. Admins can start votes from the admin menu.

dann 05-30-2008 13:22

Re: Players Votes (v1.2.4)
yeah they can start them from the menu, but some admins are always going to be a little "slow" and not realize that votemap shouldn't be used when the servers are starting up in the morning with only 5-10 people. That's why the "minimum votes required" would be a nice addition to basevotes or an admin option added to this plugin.

Manni 05-30-2008 19:43

Re: Players Votes (v1.2.4)
Hehe, thanks for update this plugin. :up:

The Resident 05-30-2008 20:30

Re: Players Votes (v1.2.4)

Originally Posted by dann (Post 632238)
yeah they can start them from the menu, but some admins are always going to be a little "slow" and not realize that votemap shouldn't be used when the servers are starting up in the morning with only 5-10 people. That's why the "minimum votes required" would be a nice addition to basevotes or an admin option added to this plugin.

DJ Tsunami said it all. Even if playersvotes had an admin-only option, that wouldn't prevent admins from using basevotes anyway.

I'm curious why you think votemap shouldn't be used with only 5-10 players on a server, though. That's a new one to me.

dann 05-30-2008 21:00

Re: Players Votes (v1.2.4)
you can disable basevotes.

if you have 5 or 10 players on lets say goldrush or dustbowl to get your server going and there is a votemap to lets say cp_well or cp_badlands (two of the most unpopular maps) and it wins, you are going to lose at least a couple of players on map change.

Then the others are going to start playing the new map, after a few minutes of no new players joining since most players don't actively seek out and join servers playing well, badlands or granary(also nearly empty ones). They decide, hey this isn't any fun with 3 players and they disconnect for a new server.

This is why I figured you added this feature "sm_votemap_minimum - minimum votes required for successful votemap, -1 for disable votemap" whats the purpose of this feature if you already have "sm_votemap_ratio"?

mani had admin votes but you had an option to set minimum required votes for the voting to be successful.

The Resident 06-01-2008 22:24

Re: Players Votes (v1.2.4)
Sounds like the solution is to not have crappy maps in the map list. :)

Okay, I see the problem and how minimums mitigate it, but again, this plugin is for Players' Votes. Fundamentally, it's not meant to be a replacement for basevotes. What you really want is an updated basevotes w/ minimums. Still, I'll keep it in the back of my mind, just in case.

The Resident 06-01-2008 23:09

Re: Players Votes (v1.2.4)
Gonna try to address some unanswered questions from the old thread:


Originally Posted by Shadowdogg
Any chance you could add a version that removes votemap - already have rockthevote which i prefer the use of but want votekick and voteban.

I am useless at coding although i do java at uni.

if you could - would appreciate it

Set sm_votemap_minimum to -1. It will disable only votemap.


Originally Posted by disconnect81
I would like to suggest/request a feature, it would really be great if it popped up a menu with the players names rather than asking for the name to be typed out. Or, perhaps have this as an option in the config file at least


Turns out that there is a bug where the menu won't appear if you're the only person on the server. Otherwise, if you type votekick or voteban, and you don't get a menu, there might be a conflict with some other plugin. (maybe something else handles the votekick/ban and doesn't let playersvotes process it)

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