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Simon Logic 11-19-2007 06:52

Terrorists Only v1.1.0
1 Attachment(s)

Terrorists Only plugin                                                 
        Removes all CT spawn points & doubles the number of T spawn points.
        Use with random respawn engine only (e.g. built-in CSDM).         
        * CS/CZ mod (may work on others)                                   
        * AMX/X 1.7x or higher                                             
        * Fakemeta module                                                 
        1) Q: I don't want to double spawn points. What do i have to do?             
          A: Change g_iMultiplier var default value to 1 & recompile plugin
        2) Q: What can i do if the map has less than 16 T spawn points     
          but i wanna be able to play full 32 players server?             
          A: Alter g_sExclusiveMaps array & recompile plugin             
        3) Q: Can i make a 'CT Only' plugin?                               
          A: Yes, exchange values of g_sClass2Remove & g_sClass2Spawn     
          constants, make a revision of g_sExclusiveMaps array & recompile
1.1.0 [2007-11-17]                                                     
+ spawn point multiplier var                                           
+ array g_sExclusiveMaps to customize spawn point multiplier per map   
* plugin renamed from 'All Terrors' to 'Terrorists Only'               
* first public release                                                 
1.0.0 [2007-10-23]                                                     
* initial release (not available for public)

BlackMilk 11-19-2007 13:41

Re: Terrorists Only v1.1.0
This looks nice but, out of curiosity, did you have any specific purpose in mind or was this a request or something?

Just wondering what someone would use it for..

ConnorMcLeod 11-19-2007 14:13

Re: Terrorists Only v1.1.0
I guess it could be usefull to play deathmatch in FFA mode, cause when you shoot a teamate, you don't make same damage as when you shoot an enemy.

Can be usefull for kz servers too ('CT Only' plugin), some kz maps have T spawns and it's very anoynig when a player comes, pick up T team, and game restarts...
So you can let people choose CT or Spec.

Simon Logic 11-20-2007 04:37

Re: Terrorists Only v1.1.0

Originally Posted by BlackMilk (Post 554682)
This looks nice but, out of curiosity, did you have any specific purpose in mind or was this a request or something?

Just wondering what someone would use it for..

You know, I have the same feeling about 80-90% of plugins published here & and i don't flame in each plugin topic :)

Seriously, this plugin helps in cases:
1) for those who don't like the score table consisting of two parts playing CSDM FFA, so here is the answer because no one can select other team (you don't even need other [buggy] blocking or auto team-selecting plugins)
2) in CS maxplayers defined by number of spawn points (plus maxplayers param), as i played old deathmatch maps under CS which has from 3 to ~17 spawn points & i need to extend them; also some CS maps has less than 16 points per each team
3) by using this plugin appears unique possibility to play 32 terrorists on the server but i could not test this feature with POD Bots (either it has internal 16 bots limit or it is a mod hardcoded limit - i can't find 32 real players to detect it, so feel free to report)

Arkshine 11-20-2007 05:02

Re: Terrorists Only v1.1.0
Nice Simon Logic. :)

I will use for sure.

BlackMilk 11-23-2007 10:14

Re: Terrorists Only v1.1.0
I don't see why you might think I was flaming, I was just curious what use it would serve lol..

Simon Logic 11-23-2007 11:12

Re: Terrorists Only v1.1.0
I know, that is why i explained more detail.

Alka 11-23-2007 19:55

Re: Terrorists Only v1.1.0
About "T double spawn points number", i see you make them on same origin with the original ones...what is happening if someone is respawning in one original, and another one in that fake from same origin ?! Will get stuck... o.O

Simon Logic 11-24-2007 07:42

Re: Terrorists Only v1.1.0
That is why i marked:

Use with random respawn engine only (e.g. built-in CSDM).
Random respawn engine checks if there are no players at respawn point & spawns a player right there or selects another spawn point (like HLDM does). Also CSDM has spawn editor & you may put more fake spawn places if you're too scared about "spawn frag" event. Personally i fixed my problem with player entry limit under certain maps & feel happy :)

fxfighter 01-03-2008 04:25

Re: Terrorists Only v1.1.0
i recommend that your plugin do this at init.

server_cmd("humans_join_team t")
Becase some meta plugins that or other changes team or add bots.
somehow makes the bots join ct.
In cs i got the problem that you still culd join CT after removing its spawn sometimes.
And ofc when i spawned thare was no spawnpoints so it returned null.
ofc i spawned outside the world.

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