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xOR 06-18-2006 20:17

Server redirection - Translation
hi, please translate my plugin to any language missing.
no need to ask whether i want a specific language or not - if it's not alreay translated, i want it! :D

this is what we already got:
  • English
  • German
  • Danish
  • French
  • Hungarian
  • Swedish
  • Finnish
  • Dutch
  • Spanish
  • Polish

yours missing? then please download and translate this.
you only need one redirect.txt, because in english there are no special characters. if your language has special characters please make two versions of it.

when you finished your translation either:
- send it to me as mail to [email protected]
- post it here as reply

you will be given credit including your nick and/or mail address and/or homepage.

many thanks in advance for all translators out there.

Janet Jackson 06-18-2006 22:18

Dutch :

MSG_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVERS = ERROR: er zijn minimaal twee servers in je lijst vereist
MSG_ERROR_NO_FILE = ERROR: bestand '%s' niet gevonden
MSG_LOADED_SERVER = Geladen server %s (%s:%s)
MSG_SELECT_SERVER = Selecteer server:
MSG_CANCEL = Annuleren
MSG_SERVER_FULL_REDIRECTING = Server vol, je wordt doorgestuurd naar %s...
MSG_REDIRECTED = '%s' is doorgestuurd naar %s
MSG_REDIRECTING = OK, je wordt doorgestuurd naar %s...
MSG_FOLLOWED = '%s' volgde '%s' naar %s
MSG_FOLLOW = typ /follow om ook doorgestuurd te worden
MSG_MANUAL_DISABLED = Sorry, handmatige doorverwijzing staat uitgeschakeld
MSG_FOLLOW_DISABLED = Sorry, volgen staat uitgeschakeld
MSG_NO_REDIRECT_SERVER = Sorry, de server is vol en momenteel is er geen server om je naar door te sturen
MSG_REDIRECT_RECEIVE = '%s' is hier naar toe doorgestuurd van %s
MSG_CANT_FOLLOW = Je kunt /follow niet gebruiken omdat er niemand doorgestuurd is
MSG_SAY_SERVER = Zeg /server om van server te wisselen:

Found a typo in the English version :

MSG_NO_REDIRECT_SERVER = Sorry, the server is full and there currenty is no server to redirect you to
-> currently

xOR 06-19-2006 04:03

OK thanks.

included dutch and corrected the typo, thx for the correction.
you didn't say whether you want a mail address or url to be shown so i currently only wrote you there with nick and profile link. just tell me in case you want an url there as well or something.

oh and of course, karma for you :)

_KaszpiR_ 06-20-2006 14:52

language [pl] - Polish, first is a simple , second is the special chars, in UTF-8

MSG_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVERS = BLAD: potrzebujesz conajmniej 2 serwerow w liscie
MSG_ERROR_NO_FILE = BLAD: plik '%s' nie istnieje
MSG_LOADED_SERVER = Zaladowano serwer %s (%s:%s)
MSG_SELECT_SERVER = Wybierz serwer:
MSG_SERVER_FULL_REDIRECTING = Serwer pelny, przekierowanie na %s...
MSG_REDIRECTED = Gracz '%s' zostaje przekierowany na %s
MSG_REDIRECTING = OK, przekierowujemy Cie na %s...
MSG_FOLLOWED = '%s' idzie za graczem o nicku '%s' na %s
MSG_FOLLOW = wpisz /follow aby takze zostac tam przekierowanym
MSG_MANUAL_DISABLED = Niestety, reczne przekierowanie jest zablokowane.
MSG_FOLLOW_DISABLED = Niestety, przekierowanie jest zablokowane.
MSG_NO_REDIRECT_SERVER = Niestety, serwer jest pelny i nie ma innego serwera na ktory mozna Cie przekierowac
MSG_REDIRECT_RECEIVE = '%s' zostaje tu przekierowany z %s
MSG_CANT_FOLLOW = Nie mozesz uzyc /follow, bonikt nie zostal jeszcze przekierowany
MSG_SAY_SERVER = Powiedz /server aby przeskakiwac miedzy serwerami:


MSG_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVERS = BŁĄD: potrzebujesz conajmniej 2 serwerów w liście
MSG_ERROR_NO_FILE = BŁĄD: plik '%s' nie istnieje
MSG_LOADED_SERVER = Załadowano serwer %s (%s:%s)
MSG_SELECT_SERVER = Wybierz serwer:
MSG_SERVER_FULL_REDIRECTING = Serwer pełny, przekierowanie na %s...
MSG_REDIRECTED = Gracz '%s' zostaje przekierowany na %s
MSG_REDIRECTING = OK, przekierowujemy Cię na %s...
MSG_FOLLOWED = '%s' idzie za graczem o nicku '%s' na %s
MSG_FOLLOW = wpisz /follow aby także zostać tam przekierowanym
MSG_MANUAL_DISABLED = Niestety, ręczne przekierowanie jest zablokowane.
MSG_FOLLOW_DISABLED = Niestety, przekierowanie jest zablokowane.
MSG_NO_REDIRECT_SERVER = Niestety, serwer jest pełny i nie ma innego serwera na który można Cię przekierować
MSG_REDIRECT_RECEIVE = '%s' zostaje tu przekierowany z %s
MSG_CANT_FOLLOW = Nie możesz użyć /follow, bo nikt nie został jeszcze przekierowany
MSG_SAY_SERVER = Powiedz /server aby przeskakiwać między serwerami:

xOR 06-20-2006 19:31

added - thanks.

FiO 06-21-2006 07:29

Here is the simplified chinese version :D

MSG_ERROR_NO_FILE 错误:文件'%s"未找到
MSG_LOADED_SERVER = 载入服务器 %s (%s:%s)
MSG_REDIRECTED = '%s'已经重定向%s
MSG_REDIRECTING = 完成,正在把您重定向到%s
MSG_FOLLOWED = '%s'跟随'%s'到了%s
MSG_FOLLOW = 使用/follow命令进行跟随重定向
MSG_MANUAL_DISABLED = 对不起,手动服务器重定向禁用中
MSG_NO_REDIRECT_SERVER = 对务器,服务器已满,目前没有可以重定向的服务器
MSG_REDIRECT_RECEIVE = '%s'从%s被重定向至此
MSG_CANT_FOLLOW = 不能使用/follow,因为还没有被重定向
MSG_SAY_SERVER = 使用/server命令在两个服务器间切换

and here is traditional chinese version


MSG_ERROR_NO_FILE 錯誤:文件'%s"未找到
MSG_LOADED_SERVER = 載入服務器 %s (%s:%s)
MSG_REDIRECTED = '%s'已經重定向%s
MSG_REDIRECTING = 完成,正在把您重定向到%s
MSG_FOLLOWED = '%s'跟隨'%s'到了%s
MSG_FOLLOW = 使用/follow命令進行跟隨重定向
MSG_MANUAL_DISABLED = 對不起,手動服務器重定向禁用中
MSG_NO_REDIRECT_SERVER = 對務器,服務器已滿,目前沒有可以重定向的服務器
MSG_REDIRECT_RECEIVE = '%s'從%s被重定向至此
MSG_CANT_FOLLOW = 不能使用/follow,因為還沒有被重定向
MSG_SAY_SERVER = 使用/server命令在兩個服務器間切換

Throstur 06-25-2006 08:03

Re: Server redirection - Translation

MSG_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SERVERS = VILLA: Žaš verša aš vera aš minsta kosti tveir serverar
MSG_ERROR_NO_FILE = VILLA: '%s' finnst ekki
MSG_LOADED_SERVER = Server hefur veriš loadašur %s (%s:%s)
MSG_SELECT_SERVER = Veldu server:
MSG_CANCEL = Hętta viš
MSG_SERVER_FULL_REDIRECTING = Fullur server, žś hefur veriš sendur til %s...
MSG_REDIRECTED = '%s' sendist til %s
MSG_REDIRECTING = Žaš er veriš aš senda žig til %s...
MSG_FOLLOWED = '%s' hefur elt '%s' til %s
MSG_FOLLOW = skrifašu /follow til aš fara žangaš lķka
MSG_MANUAL_DISABLED = Fyrirgefšu, ekki mį fęrast sjįlfur
MSG_FOLLOW_DISABLED = Fyrifgefšu, ekki mį elta
MSG_NO_REDIRECT_SERVER = Fyrirgefšu, serverinn er fullur og ekki er annar server til aš senda žig ķ
MSG_REDIRECT_RECEIVE = '%s' var sendur hingaš frį %s
MSG_CANT_FOLLOW = Ekki er hęgt aš gera /follow, engin hefur veriš sendur enn
MSG_SAY_SERVER = Seigšu /server til aš svissa um server:

in case the special characters bug you,

Ž,ž = Th,th
Š,š = D,d
Ę,ę = AE, ae
and all accented caracters can have their accents removed

xOR 06-27-2006 07:36

Re: Server redirection - Translation
thanks Throstur, added icelandic with tag [is].

i think you will need to add this section to /data/lang/languages.txt as well:

LANG_NAME = Icelandic

not sure about LANG_NAME_NATIVE though, found it with google. correct me if i am wrong.

@ FiO:
thanks for your translation, but i don't think i can add this. my browser displays the chinese characters but when i copy them to the text file i only get "?????".
next problem is that amxx doesn't support this languages in the default languages.txt. i would need the native language names for the [tc] and [sc] tags to add them.
last problem is that the plugin is for HL1. i don't think HL1 supports this at all?

i would really appreciate someone who could clear the "special characters?", "chinese?", "utf, unicode, ascii?" cases up for me - in which case does work what, in which case not? what doesn't work at all? and so on.

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