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anssik 02-28-2024 04:26

[HL] Block Cheat Client "BHL"
This code blocks the cheat client known as "BHL" which adds automatic perfect bunnyhopping and ducktapping to Half-Life. It is currently undetected by VAC.

With automatic perfect ducktap you can zoom up slopes and climb boxes faster than human ever could.
With automatic bunnyhop you can gain perfect speed in way is impossible for human.

And before you ask why so many cvars, it is because there are multiple versions of it out there with different cvars.

PHP Code:

#include <amxmodx>

#define AUTHOR "Anon"
#define PLUGIN "Block BHL"
#define VERSION "1.0"

public plugin_init() {

KickUser(id) {
get_user_ip(idaddresscharsmax(address), 1)
server_cmd("kick #%d;wait;addip 0 ^"%s^";wait;writeip"get_user_userid(id), address)

BHLCheck(id, const cvar[], const szrValue[])
  if (!
equal(szrValue,"Bad CVAR request")) {

  if (!
is_user_bot(id)) {

DJEarthQuake 03-08-2024 18:01

Re: [HL] Block Cheat Client "BHL"
This is from Adrenaline Gamer DLL being installed on client?

mlibre 03-10-2024 08:47

Re: [HL] Block Cheat Client "BHL"
If we talk about percentages, this method would only cover 20% effectiveness, and I am being generous.

anssik 03-15-2024 23:11

Re: [HL] Block Cheat Client "BHL"

Originally Posted by DJEarthQuake (Post 2819172)
This is from Adrenaline Gamer DLL being installed on client?

This has nothing to do with Adrenaline Gamer (the legitimate Half-Life mod, which has its' own servers), this is about an unauthorized illegitimate Half-Life cheat client which can be used to play in normal Half-Life servers.
I am intentionally vague about the details because this forum has strict rules against advocating cheating (and rightfully so), so I obviously can't point towards this cheat client explicitly.
Remember, the idea is about blocking cheats, not spreading them :D


Originally Posted by mlibre (Post 2819264)
If we talk about percentages, this method would only cover 20% effectiveness, and I am being generous.

If you know about some other versions in the wild which have other CVARs than ones posted, please contribute so this can be improved !

One idea could be to try detecting perfect bunnyhopping and ducktapping server-side, that if a player executes bhop/ducktap perfectly 100% of the time it's definitely a cheater. This would also block other cheats than the mentioned "BHL". But this would require some CPU usage and also be harder to make. I think that long ago anti-cheat plugins for SourceMod zBlock and/or SMAC had this functionality but I'm not 100% sure about this as they are defunct nowadays and it's been quite a long while.

The fight against cheaters has obviously always been an uphill battle, and we can only do what we can.
Meanwhile the good thing about this plugin is that it uses basically zero CPU and it's an easy way to get rid of at least some of them.

DJEarthQuake 03-25-2024 13:28

Re: [HL] Block Cheat Client "BHL"
The script you posted appears on Github and it does not kick as intended. Test it on a legit CVAR we all have and see for yourself. Is that your script? There is a much more sound way to block the cheater. Valve pays for cheat information. Why not get paid instead of go back and forth with me? Last time I looked up these CVARS it referred to Adrenaline Gamer which made sense AGHL_VERSION would stand for Adrenaline Gamer Half-Life version. Another search, it points to non-threatening color chat.

Based on my own research since you won't come clean I assumed it was Adrenaline Gamer. The Git thread script was taken from leaves the impression that it is discussing it extensively. If one is going to spawn new thread in TUT section best have your 'A' game on. The script does not work and it is written poorly plus it appears to be plagiarized.

The link I provided, block the cheater, is a better way altogether because it will kick before they get this far.
#include <amxmodx> new llama[MAX_PLAYERS+1], bool:b_Bot[MAX_PLAYERS+1] static const llama_cvar[][]= {     //add more cvars here     "aghl_supports",     "aghl_version",     "hud_colortext",     "hud_dim",     "hud_strafeguide",     "cl_messages_log",     "cl_autojump",     "cl_bunnyhop",     "cl_jumptype" }; public plugin_init() {   register_plugin("Block BHL", "1.1", "Anonymous")   if(cvar_exists("mp_autokick"))   {         log_amx "Did you know Adrenaline Gamer is a HL mod?"       pause("d")   } } public client_putinserver(id) {       if(is_user_connected(id))     {           b_Bot[id] = is_user_bot(id) ? true : false         if(!b_Bot[id])             set_task(1.0, "@query", id)     } } @query(id) if(!b_Bot[id] && is_user_connected(id)) {       for(new s;s<sizeof(llama_cvar);++s)     {           query_client_cvar(id, llama_cvar[s],"cvar_result_func")     } } public cvar_result_func(id, const cvar[], const value[]) {       llama[id] = equal(value,"Bad CVAR request") ? false : true     if(llama[id] && is_user_connected(id))         log_amx "%N had bad cvars!", id } public client_command(id) {       if(llama[id])     if(is_user_connected(id))     {           client_print id, print_chat, "We can see your Adrenaline Gamer Lamer cheats. STOP IT!"         return PLUGIN_HANDLED_MAIN     }     return PLUGIN_CONTINUE }

anssik 03-27-2024 06:11

Re: [HL] Block Cheat Client "BHL"
@DJEarthQuake: There's so much wrong in your latest post that I don't know where to begin. But I'll try.

First of all, you've completely misunderstood what even is HackerOne. Valve definitely does not pay for cheats, they pay for vulnerabilities. Those are two completely different things.

Secondly, the GitHub link you posted directly points to the cheat client. That was exactly what I was trying to avoid since linking to cheats breaks the rules, but since you've gone and posted it already, what the hell then. I am saying it again, that thing you posted is not Adrenaline Gamer, THE MOD [1][2].

I have no idea why the "BHL" cheat client uses similar cvars to make it seem like Adrenaline Gamer, maybe it's trying to throw people off the scent, or some of it's features/code is ripped off Adrenaline Gamer, I don't know. Adrenaline Gamer, the mod, has it's own servers (gamedir "ag"). You cannot play in Half-Life servers with Adrenaline Gamer client or vice-versa, obviously. Just as you cannot play on Counter-Strike servers with a Day of Defeat client, and so on. The "BHL" client is completely different, it is not a mod and it doesn't use its' own gamedir. Instead it piggybacks on the regular Half-Life client (gamedir "valve"), and lets you join unmodified vanilla Half-Life (not Adrenaline Gamer!) servers with cheat options like automatic bunnyhops and ducktaps.

To make it perfectly clear, this plugin is for vanilla Half-Life servers, not Adrenaline Gamer servers.

Frankly I do not know why the cvars are named as such, it seems like they're trying to drag the good name of Adrenaline Gamer down with it, or maybe just obscuring it's purpose to scam people like you to thinking you're dealing with a legitimate mod instead of a cheat?

Thirdly, the "force_unmodified" has been broken for a long time, ever since the introduction of the "_addon" folders. This can be exploited to bypass the check, and this is exactly how BHL also exploits it. It would be a good option if it wasn't so easy to bypass.

Finally, I tried running the plugin from the original post and it worked just fine in blocking BHL.


DJEarthQuake 03-27-2024 08:06

Re: [HL] Block Cheat Client "BHL"
Stop spinning everything and being sensational. The force_unmodified native works fine. It is super-fiddly if ones does not know what they are doing. I have a list of unsavory types, who it detected.

Normally when somebody attempts something like this they are not petrified to assert what it is blocking. eg aimbot, wallhack, bunny_hop, VPN, Proxy, bad name, etc. Simply make a blank file in addons or wherever server-side. If they have that file and it is not blank it is detected since it has content.

All those words do not change the script you provided does not kick or work at all.

I pointed to Github threads, one where you plagiarized the posted script from; not cheat clients. It is so bad it looks like AI had written it. One is my script, and another is query for color chat.

Stop turning this around and flaming me like I am spreading cheats. That is an atrocious lie. That IS against the rules here if you want to be increasingly as a matter-of-factly.

Make a report on HackerOne and let's see them deny it instead of take your word for it. If what you are stating is legit it is within their scope. The corp who invented the game can detect whatever they want if fed proper intel. None of my clients have those CVARS and nobody joining ever has showed up with them.

Most of my players are from countries that are perpetually accused of being hackers. It leaves the impression, since you know all about it and won't say much, then accuse me of spreading cheats, you are clearly the source of the cheats.

There are server-side bunny hop scripts and alike for Amxx like Conner made. There are ways to control and bound the client with Amxx on the flip side.

anssik 03-27-2024 10:46

Re: [HL] Block Cheat Client "BHL"
I don't really know what you're talking about anymore. You insisting that the kicking doesn't work did make me doubt myself though, so just to be absolutely sure, I just retested the plugin and it works absolutely fine.

Make a report on HackerOne trying to sell Valve cheats? What? And make myself ridiculous by attempting to do something completely stupid? You just completely made up that Valve "pays for cheats", even though nothing in the site even remotely says so, and now you're expecting me to prove your made up point false?

These are the types of vulnerabilities Valve and other companies participating in HackerOne wants and pays for, and they have nothing to do with cheats.

I don't know why I'm even arguing with you anymore, you clearly don't know at all half of the things you're talking about. This is not flaming, just a statement of a fact. G'day m8.

DJEarthQuake 04-10-2024 07:44

Re: [HL] Block Cheat Client "BHL"
Clearly all this is over your head. Thread should be trash locked.

cix 05-26-2024 05:02

Re: [HL] Block Cheat Client "BHL"
I was also interested in this some time ago and came to the conclusion that it's not feasible to detect every player that is using an unofficial or modified version of Half-Life's client.dll solely with the official HLDS and an AMXX plugin.

@anssik BHL and OpenAG are open-source, meaning anyone can easily tweak or remove those custom console variables, making this plugin impractical.


Originally Posted by DJEarthQuake (Post 2820175)
The force_unmodified native works fine… Simply make a blank file in addons or wherever server-side. If they have that file and it is not blank it is detected since it has content.

@DJEarthQuake I believe what you're referring to is using something like Files Check (amxx port of soundcheck metamod plugin) plugin by ConnorMcLeod. The force_unmodified() native function cannot ensure that connecting clients use the same client.dll as the server. This is because players don't replace the client.dll in the original game directory. Instead, they create a <gamedir>_addon directory that contains the modified client.dll. Half-Life then uses the client.dll from this newly created directory instead of the one in the game directory.

You also cannot precache and force a client to download certain file types .dll, .so or .dylib, because they will not pass the engine's IsSafeFileToDownload() check. Even if it did pass the check, the file cannot be downloaded outside of the game/mod directory, which is where the <gamedir>_addon directory and the custom client.dll resides. The downloaded resources will most likely go to the valve_downloads directory, in that case, calling the force_unmodified() native function for "../valve_addon/cl_dlls/client.dll" will be meaningless.

The only reliable way to detect and prevent players with custom/modified client connecting to your vanilla Half-Life server is using ReHLDS to host your game server with Resources Checker Metamod plugin.

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