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andi67 03-14-2009 07:11

6 Attachment(s)

Important Note!!!
In order to get Models/Skins working you have to check if all files are on your server (where you have plugins etc.) and Fast Download (Only if you running FDL. FDL is where are .bz2 files) also check if you have written the paths correctly in skinchooserdownloads.ini and skins.ini.
If you have problems visit the SM_SKINCHOOSER WIKIPAGE (Link is below)!!!
Red Errors , Invisible Models , Checksum Errors are meaning that you donīt have done it right!!!
For sv_pure settings also check this:
All Files in the SM_SKINCHOOSER PACKAGES must be in your SourcemodFolder!!!

Videodemonstrations for setting up!!!

If you are searching for a TF2 Modelchanger go to this Thread:

Player Models for download

Plugin Instalation - CS:GO, CSS, DOD:S, HL2:DM, etc.

Player Model Instalation

Cvarlist for CS:GO, CSS, DOD:S, HL2:DM


Thanks to:


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PStar 03-14-2009 09:32

Re: Sm_Skinchooser for Counterstrike Source
I think you should add an option for autopopup disabling.
It could be really anoying to get the menu as soon as you spawn.

andi67 03-14-2009 09:38

Re: Sm_Skinchooser for Counterstrike Source
Menu only popup on teamjoin , not on every spawn.

Molli 03-14-2009 10:32

Re: Sm_Skinchooser for Counterstrike Source

PStar 03-14-2009 12:26

Re: Sm_Skinchooser for Counterstrike Source

Originally Posted by andi67 (Post 780307)
Menu only popup on teamjoin , not on every spawn.

Still can you make a cvar to disabling it?
It would be great to have that function.

andi67 03-14-2009 13:00

Re: Sm_Skinchooser for Counterstrike Source
Open sm_skinchooser_css.sp and delete the following lines :

#define TEAM_T 2
#define TEAM_CT 3

and this block :

public Event_PlayerTeam(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)

new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
new team = GetEventInt(event, "team");
if((team == TEAM_T || team == TEAM_CT) && IsClientInGame(client))
Command_Model(client, 0);

then go to sourcemod webcompiler and compile again.

PStar 03-14-2009 21:36

Re: Sm_Skinchooser for Counterstrike Source

Originally Posted by andi67 (Post 780424)
Open sm_skinchooser_css.sp and delete the following lines :

#define TEAM_T 2
#define TEAM_CT 3

and this block :

public Event_PlayerTeam(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast)

new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid"));
new team = GetEventInt(event, "team");
if((team == TEAM_T || team == TEAM_CT) && IsClientInGame(client))
Command_Model(client, 0);

then go to sourcemod webcompiler and compile again.

Thank you.

andi67 03-15-2009 03:50

Re: Sm_Skinchooser for Counterstrike Source
NP :)

Koshy 03-25-2009 17:35

Re: Sm_Skinchooser for Counterstrike Source
Noticing lots of problems with if you have viewed another menu already, sometimes it will show same models for all the menus.

Also noticed another problem with if you select a menu you don't have access too then select a menu you do have access too it blocks you. Fixes itself after a new round starts but for current round its messed up. For example if you select admin menu and are not an admin, then select the public menu it will say it is also restricted.

Using CVARS doesn't seem to actually turn it off either, you have to physically move it to disabled folder.

Also wondering, can you show me how to make it so that setting the model has a 1 second delay before it is set and also make it so they can only chose when they are dead? If your wondering why, I run a WCS server and one problem I face is the models don't take effect because they already have a custom model that is being set.

- Koshy

andi67 03-26-2009 09:38

Re: Sm_Skinchooser for Counterstrike Source
Which Sourcemodversion are you running , you should one over 1.2.

WCS and Skinchoser will not work together , that maybe the problem youīve in.

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