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Twilight Suzuka 07-10-2004 22:55

Fireworks++ 3.0
3 Attachment(s)
3.0 uses simple entity think routines to gain an almost lagless, and almost entirely task-less method of doing things.

In additions, shooters have been completely fixed.

This plugin provides relatively lagless Voogru style fireworks, along with adding tons of customability and lagless features.

Basic Commands:
Notes: Putting a 0 for r g or b (or not putting it in) will make a random rocket, either with totally random colors, or solid colors, depending on a cvar.
A 0 for effects (or not putting it in) will render an "abcdz" rocket.

Spawn Commands:
firework <r> <g> [b] <effects>
firework_rc <r> <g> [b] <effects>
firework_rv <r> <g> [b] <effects>

Spawned fireworks glow the color they will become when fired, and bounce up and down every 5 seconds, so you remember they still exist.
The shockwave effect was just for kicks ^^

Fire Commands:
Take note, executing shoot_fireworks when fireworks are already launched will detonate them.

So, you can spawn them, shoot them, then press it again to detonate.

A normal firework shoots straight up (with deviation by cvar)
A RC firework follows he laser dot, which spawns where your aiming
A RV firework is remote controlled by you, you ARE the firework.

Shooter Commands:
firework_shooter <shots> <time between shots> <r> <g> [b] <effects>

A shooter shoots fireworks at <time> intervals, for <shots>. You can define what fireworks you want it to shoot, or make it random.

say fireworks - Brings up the fireworks menu. The fireworks menu lets you quickly see how many fireworks you can fire, how many you HAVE fired, and lets you hit all the commands that were above.

(cvar name | example)

//Enabled/disables fireworks hierarchy. Look below for details
fireworks_enable 1

// Max amount of flares
fireworks_flare_count 30

// Max normal client fireworks
fireworks_maxcount 4

// Max admin fireworks
fireworks_amaxcount 16

// If 0, totally random fireworks. If 1, standard color fireworks
fireworks_colortype 0

// Multiplier for effects. Setting to high value may cause lag with some effects
fireworks_multiplier 2

// Changes the variation on the path of the rocket.
fireworks_xvelocity 100
fireworks_yvelocity 100

// The fireworks password
fireworks tsx

fireworks_enable (1|0)

When fireworks_enable is 1, all players may fire rockets. The amount of rockets they can make is defined by their admin level.

If they have admin level G or are an admin, they can fire based on the cvar: "fireworks_amaxcount"

If they do not, they can fire based on the cvar : "fireworks_maxcount"
They can also not fire shooters.

Turning either CVAR to 0 renders those type of users with no fireworks.

when fireworks_enable is 0, anyone with the fireworks password, defined by the cvar: "fireworks", can fire fireworks.

To input the password, if you are a client wanting to use fireworks, the command is :"fireworks_password <password"

That way, when fireworks_enable is 0, only the people who know the password can use fireworks.

NOTE: When fireworks_enable is 1, the password will not help anyone.

Remove Commands:
// Removes all of your fireworks

// Removes all of your shooters

// ADMIN: removes ALL fireworks

// ADMIN: Removes ALL fireworks

Well thats all the commands and cvars, here is the list of effects:

a: Voogru Fireworks Copy.
b: Flares
c. Falling Flares
d: Lightening
e: Dynamic lights
f: Flares flying upward
g: Throws Ents
h: Explosion
i: Particals
j: Blood field
k: ??
l: Sprite field

s: old voogru effect
t: Smoke
u: Fiery Explosion
v: thunderclap
w,x,y,z: Explosion sounds

Have fun with the new, lagless, and effecient, Fireworks++

Burnzy 07-10-2004 22:56

so this would be better then the other?

kingpin 07-10-2004 22:59

wow gotta try this out sometime. gj if it works as advertised.

Twilight Suzuka 07-10-2004 23:06

Dont use too many effects at once, and make sure your not using too similar effects. More then one sound is a waste, a waste of precious resources. Using more then five effects at a time in either trans or effect, but not combined is not recommended on some systems.

Rememeber, you cant crash yourself, but you can flood every single person out of your server!

Anyone with an effect they want in, or code for an effect, IM me at:
radicalmel12 -- aim
[email protected] -- email and msn

Also, if anyone wants to help with adding damage effects, and manuvering the missile like a remote control *like it goes where your aiming* just drop me a line.

Thank you, and good night.

jtp10181 07-11-2004 09:32

do not use vexd includes or the amxmod include... those are for refrence of porting only and for people to compile plugins themselfves.... anything posted here cannot be using those old include files.

also you cannot use strtonum or other old function names, must use new function names, str_to_num for example....

Burnzy 07-11-2004 09:34

i knew he ported this probably from sum where...

Bad HAL 9000 07-11-2004 09:35

what are these dlls/modules? Are they required? Or was that just for AMX. It looks to me like you simply recompiled on the AMXX includes

still have the amx foldername

jtp10181 07-11-2004 09:36

yeah looks like he stole lots of code form other peoples plugins and mashed it together, then claimed it as his own (because he gave no props to other people)

Mod can you just delete this whole thread its pathetic....

Me mentioned EJL in there so I assume he stole some of his code also.

kingpin 07-11-2004 09:37


Originally Posted by Burnzy
i knew he ported this probably from sum where...

this is meant to be backwards comapatibleI believe... it can be used on amx and amxmodx :

#include <amxmod> #include <amxmisc> #if defined _amxmodx_included       //amxmodx #include <engine> #define NOENT 0 #else                   //amxmod #include <jghg2> #define NOENT -1 #endif #include <Vexd_Utilities>

@suzuka use the amxmodx tho and uyeah str_to_num like jtp said for amxx is required for approval etc.

jtp10181 07-11-2004 09:41


I diffed this with Luds fireworks plugin for AMX and there is a huge chunk of the EXACT same code, copy pasted directly.

Also you need to explain what the stuff in the zip file is for and if its all needed.... etc....

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