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Antithasys 11-13-2008 20:43

[TF2] Simple Team Manager
3 Attachment(s)
Simple Team Manager

This plugin is no longer supported. Please see the new thread for the new version of Simple Team Manager


Manages players and their teams in TF2.

  • Admin flags can be set in simpleteammanager.cfg
  • Admin menu integration
  • Players with specified flag can swap their team
  • Players with specified flag can swap players team and force them to stay there
  • Players with specified flag can scramble the teams
  • All players can vote for a team scramble
  • Works with Simple Team Balancer
  • swapteam <[1]ondeath/[0]instant> - Swaps your current team
  • moveplayer <name/#userid> <team[number/name]> <[0]instant/[1]ondeath> <[0]unforced/[1]forced> - Moves a players to specified team
  • scrambleteams - Scrambles the teams
  • votescramble - Creates a vote to scramble the teams
  • #define USE_STB - Default is 0 or not to work with Simple Team Balancer. This is done so it will compile on the forums. If you use STB you should set this to 1 and compile yourself or download the compiled version.
Console Variables:
  • stm_enabled - Enable or Disable Simple Team Manager
  • stm_logactivity - Enable or Disable the displaying of events in the log
  • stm_adminflag_swapteam - Admin flag to use for command
  • stm_adminflag_moveplayer - Admin flag to use for command
  • stm_adminflag_scramble - Admin flag to use for command
  • stm_scrambledelay - Delay to scramble teams once a scramble is called for
  • stm_voteenabled - Enable voting for a scramble
  • stm_votewin - Win percentage
  • stm_votedelay - Delay before another vote can be called
A simpleteammanager.cfg file will be made when first ran. It will be located in /cfgs/sourcemod

Place the simpleteammanager.smx in the /sourcemod/plugins dir.
Place the simpleteammanager.phrases.txt in the /sourcemod/translations dir.


Fixed incorrectly respawning the wrong player

Created #define for use with STB. Default is 0 (or not to work with STB)
--You can set this to 1 and compile yourself. It's set to 0 so it will compile on forums.
--If you have STB installed, you should run with set to 1 otherwise you will have issues with the balancer
Added moveplayer command to move a player to any team
Allowed moveplayer command to be ran from console
Rearranged moveplayer menu to place forced arg at end
Respawned players after a move or swap
Made forced arg reliant on the precense of STB
Depreciated swapplayer command
Added option to scramble teams at round end
--This will scramble the teams 1 second before the end of mp_bonusroundtime
--This will not scramble if the time left in the map is less than 60 seconds it will not run
Fixed scramble code moving spectators, unassigned players, and fake clients
Fixed enabled cvar not disabling the respective commands

Initial Release

For additional change logs refer to the source code.
Future Updates:

Looking for additional translations! If you have or can translate the phrases, please do and post with the new translations. I will add them to the file and certainly credit you.

French - by Vader_666
Hungarian - by KhyrOO

-Add log activity


You do not have to have Simple Team Balancer installed, this will just work with it if it is installed. I have posted a compiled version in 1.1 for you to download. The version that compiles on the forums is set to NOT work with Simple Team Balancer so it will compile on the forums. If you use Simple Team Balancer you should set the #define to 1 or download the compiled version.

This plugin is no longer supported. Please see the new thread for the new version of Simple Team Manager

ThatGuy 11-13-2008 21:38

Re: [TF2] Simple Team Manager
Would it be possible to switch a player to spectator?

By the way, superb plugin :)

Antithasys 11-13-2008 21:47

Re: [TF2] Simple Team Manager

Originally Posted by ThatGuy (Post 713650)
Would it be possible to switch a player to spectator?

Somehow I knew that would come up. Since it isn't really swaping the team and more of a team assignment I would have to add a command. I can do that with 1.0.0.

DontWannaName 11-13-2008 22:57

Re: [TF2] Simple Team Manager
Woo ok putting on now.

ThatGuy 11-14-2008 00:16

Re: [TF2] Simple Team Manager
Odd, when I try to load it i get this


L 11/14/2008 - 00:22:18: [SM] Plugin encountered error 21: Native is not bound
L 11/14/2008 - 00:22:18: [SM] Native "VerifyCoreVersion" encountered a generic error.
L 11/14/2008 - 00:22:18: [SM] Debug mode is not enabled for "simpleteammanager.smx"
L 11/14/2008 - 00:22:18: [SM] To enable debug mode, edit plugin_settings.cfg, or type: sm plugins debug 58 on
[SM] Plugin simpleteammanager.smx failed to load: Native "VerifyCoreVersion" was not found.

When i try to enable debug, it says


[SM] Plugin index 58 not found.

DontWannaName 11-14-2008 00:24

Re: [TF2] Simple Team Manager
Are you running 1.1?

DontWannaName 11-14-2008 00:44

Re: [TF2] Simple Team Manager
Ok a few things. I know I can edit the plugin to reflect this and maybe use SM but I want to change swapteam to swapme. When you swapme and select on death, it wont switch you if you kill yourself. Can you make scrambleteams scramble at the end of the round or have an option value like 1 and 2 or something, I dont want everyone dieing durring the scramble. Thats all for now.

Antithasys 11-14-2008 01:49

Re: [TF2] Simple Team Manager

Originally Posted by ThatGuy (Post 713680)
Odd, when I try to load it i get this

When i try to enable debug, it says

You have to be running 1.0x or something. You can run that version, but you will have to compile it yourself as the compiled version I provided was made in 1.1


Originally Posted by DontWannaName (Post 713689)
Ok a few things. I know I can edit the plugin to reflect this and maybe use SM but I want to change swapteam to swapme. When you swapme and select on death, it wont switch you if you kill yourself. Can you make scrambleteams scramble at the end of the round or have an option value like 1 and 2 or something, I dont want everyone dieing durring the scramble. Thats all for now.

Changing the code to the command name you want is simple and I suggest you give it a try. I am pretty sure that it will swap you if you kill yourself. It wont if the "world" is the reason for the death... in other words you change teams or something. I created my own scramble code because I did not like the built-in one. It just scrambles after the delay and does not restart the round. I did some testing on this and found that this was the best way to handle it. Adding the option to do it at round end would not be to hard. I will see if I can get it into 1.0.0

DontWannaName 11-14-2008 01:59

Re: [TF2] Simple Team Manager
Is the scramble based on skill, immunity, or anything else or is it random like valves? With the team balancer players who are immune cant join a team that is full while using the doors in TF2, I thought they were immune and could bypass the door not letting them into the team?

Antithasys 11-14-2008 02:09

Re: [TF2] Simple Team Manager

Originally Posted by DontWannaName (Post 713693)
Is the scramble based on skill, immunity, or anything else or is it random like valves? With the team balancer players who are immune cant join a team that is full while using the doors in TF2, I thought they were immune and could bypass the door not letting them into the team?

Its random, and no one is immune to the scramble, it would not make sense to have anyone immune to a team scramble. This plugin still does nothing to the doors, just like the balancer, but it does allow you to bypass the doors with the swapteam or swapplayer command.

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