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Ace Rimmer 06-05-2005 10:42

HOWTO: exec'ing files from within a script pack
A few more questions about Script Packs:

If I type "eventscripts_register" in the console, I recieve "unknown command" as response, even if I type rcon first. Anybody an ideas?

About writing a script pack...

I have had great trouble with this and I think I have missed someting really obvious so I woudl like to give you a small example:

Let us say I have a script pack called "pull_the _babes"

the script contains three files:




now I'm pretty sure I have to put all 3 files in a folder called "pull_the_babes" which goes into the "events" folder?

I then have to register the script by putting:
eventscripts_register pull_the_babes in my autoexec or server.cfg?

The BIG trouble is when writing the actual code:
If player_say has a command that says - "es if server_var(babe = "wants_a_shag") then exec hump_on_3.cfg" how will I write this line to reference the hump_on_3.cfg file? (obviously this is not real code).

I did try this with my acematch script but it woudln't work at all so I had to resort to making the install a copy and paste job.

Can you explain please how to refernce config files within a script?

Thanks and best regards.

Mattie 06-05-2005 11:44


Originally Posted by Ace Rimmer
If I type "eventscripts_register" in the console, I recieve "unknown command" as response, even if I type rcon first. Anybody an ideas?

Well, the command doesn't work great through rcon if you're trying to list active script packs. (It's like plugin_print in that regard.) You really can only rely on it listing things if you do it from the server console.

That being said, I use "ma_rcon eventscripts_register firebug" all the time. (Be careful when using "rcon" because rcon likes to put quotes around everything and that will confuse eventscripts_register.)


I have had great trouble with this and I think I have missed someting really obvious so I woudl like to give you a small example
Let's start with the Script Pack documentation in the EventScripts doc:

Script Packs
EventScripts v0.7.5 introduced the concept of 'script packs' that can be enabled and disabled at will. Basically a script pack developer can specify the following things when he provides a group of related event scripts:
  • 1. A command that activates the script pack for you to place in autoexec.cfg (or to type in when you want). This is typically of the form of eventscripts_register scriptpackname. For example, "eventscripts_register firebug".
    2. A command that de-activates the script pack. This is typically of the form of eventscripts_unregister scriptpackname. For example, "eventscripts_unregister firebug".
    3. The subdirectory under eventscripts_subdirectory where you must place these. This must be the name of the script pack you use when you call eventscripts_register.
For example, I could create a group of scripts that provide "FireBug" functionality. I'd provide a zipfile of the scripts and any users who wanted to use it would extract those into their (e.g.) cfg/events/firebug directory. In order to turn on the scripts, they'd just issue "eventscripts_register firebug" from the console. To disable them for the next map, they'd issue "eventscripts_unregister firebug".

In addition to typical event cfg files (e.g. round_start.cfg), script pack developers might include extra functionality in traditional .cfg files. Whenever a script pack is registered, a server variable is created that provides the directory to the script pack to use with the 'exec' command. It's of the form "scriptpackname_dir".

Script pack developers can also provide their own 'server.cfg' file that exists in the script pack subdirectory. This will be executed whenever a new map is loaded since there aren't a lot of good events for this sort of thing.
Take a look at the second to last paragraph. Does it answer the question?

Here's how my FireBug example does it:

es_setinfo buildbugfirst.cfg 0
es_setinfo buildbug.cfg 0
es_format buildbugfirst.cfg "%1%2" server_var(firebug_dir) buildbugfirst.cfg
es_format buildbug.cfg "%1%2" server_var(firebug_dir) buildbug.cfg
// ...
es exec server_var(buildbug.cfg)
There are also examples of how to use this in Ajax's script packs. He included a workaround in his more recent ones to help resolve the issue with some Linux machines being particular about the slash direction (i.e. / vs. \).


Ace Rimmer 06-05-2005 12:49

Thanks Mattie. You'll have to trust me that I had read as much as I could of all the documentation. I must have missed the paragraph you directed me to. That has given me something to try now, thanks...

btw I don't have command line acees to my server it is rented so I have rcon only. So again, your explanation makes sense there too.

Thanks again.

:D :D :D

Ace Rimmer 06-05-2005 13:04

Nope I still don't get it, sorry.

Please can you just show me the script:

my scriptpack is called "acematch" I have all the config files in folder events/acematch/

what do i need to change in order to exec acematchgo.cfg for example?

instead of "exec acematchgo.cfg"

I would put "es exec server_var(acematch_dir) acematchgo.cfg"

Is that correct?

Sorry to be a pain on this, it is beating me...

Mattie 06-05-2005 13:13


Originally Posted by Ace Rimmer
Nope I still don't get it, sorry.

Please can you just show me the script:

my scriptpack is called "acematch" I have all the config files in folder events/acematch/

what do i need to change in order to exec acematchgo.cfg for example?

instead of "exec acematchgo.cfg"

I would put "es exec server_var(acematch_dir) acematchgo.cfg"

Is that correct?

Sorry to be a pain on this, it is beating me...


es_setinfo acematchgoCFG 0
es_format acematchgoCFG "%1%2" server_var(acematch_dir) acematchgo.cfg
// ...
es exec server_var(acematchgoCFG)

ajax 06-05-2005 13:18

Mattie, perhaps we could break this into a thread of its own so that people trying to INSTALL a script pack don't get confused by these questions about how to CREATE a script pack.


Originally Posted by Ace Rimmer
what do i need to change in order to exec acematchgo.cfg for example?

instead of "exec acematchgo.cfg"

I would put "es exec server_var(acematch_dir) acematchgo.cfg"

Is that correct?

not really but you are getting closer. you would need to set up the var in your acematch\server.cfg

// acematch\server.cfg
es_setinfo acematchgo.cfg 0
es_format acematchgo.cfg "%1%2" server_var(acematch_dir) acematchgo.cfg

then in the location from which you want to execute it...

es exec server_var(acematchgo.cfg)
like i said in the es_format thread, this is fairly confusing. see that thread for a more in-depth explanation.

maybe this would be a little less confusing...

// acematch\server.cfg
es_setinfo acematchgo_path_and_file 0
es_format acematchgo_path_and_file "%1%2" server_var(acematch_dir) acematchgo.cfg


es exec server_var(acematchgo_path_and_file)

Ace Rimmer 06-05-2005 14:27

Thanks guys, I may well have to ask some moe embarrassing questions once i have had chance to try this. :)

Ace Rimmer 06-10-2005 10:33

Mattie? Is it worth editing some of the crap out of here and making this sticky, before it gets knocked off the front page?

Mattie 06-10-2005 10:38


Originally Posted by Ace Rimmer
Mattie? Is it worth editing some of the crap out of here and making this sticky, before it gets knocked off the front page?

* sigh *

I might need to finalize my own phpbb so I can have multiple sections/forums. Before long the whole front is going to be covered in stickies. Hmmmmmm....

ichthys 06-10-2005 15:48


Originally Posted by Mattie

Originally Posted by Ace Rimmer
Mattie? Is it worth editing some of the crap out of here and making this sticky, before it gets knocked off the front page?

* sigh *

I might need to finalize my own phpbb so I can have multiple sections/forums. Before long the whole front is going to be covered in stickies. Hmmmmmm....

good idea

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