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Leonardo 06-20-2012 04:26

[TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)
2 Attachment(s)
What is it?
Admins can see invisible spies. Yay!
* Requested by nope.avi, Tsooj.
* I've wrote this plugin 3 years ago. But I lost original code. So it's rewritten version. Similar to that plugin. And that plugin was ugly. So... here we go.
How it looks like?
Screenshots: #1, #2.
How to install?
Drag and drop!
How to use?
Run sm_spyvision command.
CVars & CMDs:
PHP Code:

sm_spyvision_enabled 1
// commands
// overrides


CuriousG 06-20-2012 08:04

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.0 (20.06.2012)
Wow another way to ruin the fun. I'm all for abusing users that deserved to be abused but spyvision takes the cake. If you REALLY want to reveal spies why not just beacon them? If someone has a legitimate use for this, I'd like to hear a valid argument.

This should go under cheats right after aimbotting and wallhacks.

nope.avi 06-20-2012 09:09

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.0 (20.06.2012)
I requested one a long time ago, (not in that post). Thanks! Any screenshots?

Leonardo 06-20-2012 09:57

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.0 (20.06.2012)

Originally Posted by nope.avi (Post 1732357)
Any screenshots?

In OP. Read more carefully, please.

TsooJ 06-20-2012 11:04

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.0 (20.06.2012)
Thank you :)

Can we use flags with this? admin default? I think you already read the reason before. (last topic)

And for some of you.. My server is NOT PUBLIC so don't worry...

Leonardo 06-20-2012 11:17

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.0 (20.06.2012)
only admins can use it.

Horsedick 06-20-2012 11:39

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.0 (20.06.2012)

Originally Posted by CuriousG (Post 1732328)
Wow another way to ruin the fun. I'm all for abusing users that deserved to be abused but spyvision takes the cake. If you REALLY want to reveal spies why not just beacon them? If someone has a legitimate use for this, I'd like to hear a valid argument.

This should go under cheats right after aimbotting and wallhacks.

While I understand your concern - I'm sure this would be a major disqualification for Quickplay so any server running a token shouldn't enable this. Half the things we have as for plugin options can be classified as a form of cheating but its really up to that server to play by the rules and at least display clearly that something is in fact running that does alter game play.

CuriousG 06-20-2012 13:01

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.0 (20.06.2012)

Originally Posted by Horsedick (Post 1732468)
While I understand your concern - I'm sure this would be a major disqualification for Quickplay so any server running a token shouldn't enable this. Half the things we have as for plugin options can be classified as a form of cheating but its really up to that server to play by the rules and at least display clearly that something is in fact running that does alter game play.

My concern with any quickplay. I think a lot of busy servers run 32 players anyway which disqualifies quickplay. This is walking down a slippery slope similar to what some donation servers do when they buff weapons for donators. If it doesn't affect gameplay or makes it equal for all users I'm game.

I'm just afraid there are too many admins out there that can't resist the temptation to cheat if the opportunity presents itself.

C0nw0nk 06-20-2012 13:05

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.0 (20.06.2012)
This is a cool plugin although i do agree it allow's user's to cheat but the admin's of you're servers should be responsible.

Horsedick 06-20-2012 13:05

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.0 (20.06.2012)

Originally Posted by CuriousG (Post 1732529)
My concern with any quickplay. I think a lot of busy servers run 32 players anyway which disqualifies quickplay. This is walking down a slippery slope similar to what some donation servers do when they buff weapons for donators. If it doesn't affect gameplay or makes it equal for all users I'm game.

I'm just afraid there are too many admins out there that can't resist the temptation to cheat if the opportunity presents itself.

32 player count gives quickplay servers a "hit" not full disqualification. I would imagin this would do the same thing unless a tag is applied..could even cause the server to get blacklisted.

Sreaper 06-20-2012 15:59

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.0 (20.06.2012)
Can you please add a message in console for when the command is used? Like, [Admin has enabled Spy-vision on Player2] / [Admin has disabled Spy-vision on Player2] instead of it replying with nothing?

Leonardo 06-20-2012 16:03

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.0 (20.06.2012)

Originally Posted by Sreaper (Post 1732705)
Can you please add a message in console for when the command is used? Like, [Admin has enabled Spy-vision on Player2] / [Admin has disabled Spy-vision on Player2] instead of it replying with nothing?

to notice players that CHEATS ARE ENABLED FOR some PEOPLE ?

Sreaper 06-20-2012 16:04

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.0 (20.06.2012)

Originally Posted by Leonardo (Post 1732709)
to notice players that CHEATS ARE ENABLED FOR some PEOPLE ?

Yes. Just a message explaining what the plugin is doing would be nice. You can just set showactivity2 if you don't want player's to read the SM messages.

Horsedick 06-20-2012 16:37

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.0 (20.06.2012)

Originally Posted by Sreaper (Post 1732711)
Yes. Just a message explaining what the plugin is doing would be nice. You can just set showactivity2 if you don't want player's to read the SM messages.

You do know this can be edited out with anyone retaining half a brain right?

Having him do this option isn't something that should be asked, I don't know of a solution to put minds at ease but as I said there are a ton of plugins that can be used that would fall under the same classifications.

I think what he's got so far how it is, is perfectly fine from a plugin stand point.

Leonardo 06-20-2012 16:43

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.0 (20.06.2012)

Originally Posted by Horsedick (Post 1732755)
can be edited out

with sm_show_activity 0, right?

Horsedick 06-20-2012 16:56

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.0 (20.06.2012)

Originally Posted by Leonardo (Post 1732761)
with sm_show_activity 0, right?

Well if you were to add something for showing the activity of the toggle for the plugin, someone could just as easy go into the source and delete the line so no activity shows up.

That's the point I'm trying to make to those with concern and wanting you to do more work than is needed...sure it could be a good addition and simple to throw in but the purpose in which they want it won't matter to someone really wanting to do something on a server and not be known doing it.

TsooJ 06-20-2012 17:55

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)
Hey leonardo one last question. Is there a way to automatic turn on as admin (like default). So you don't have to type sm_spyvision every time the map reload

Leonardo 06-20-2012 17:59

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)

bind p "sm_spyvision"
this is my way.

TsooJ 06-20-2012 18:05

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)
there is no way to do this automaticly? change something in script?

Sreaper 06-20-2012 18:36

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)
Thanks Leonardo for adding the user messages! :D
And sm_show_activity 12 makes it so only admins can see [SM] related messages. There is no need to set it to 0.

TsooJ 06-21-2012 06:48

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)
Uhm, Is there a way to load sm_spyvision at plugin start. So admins automaticly start this plugin without using the command sm_spyvision.

I'm sorry for being obscure.

Leonardo 06-21-2012 11:23

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)
You're asking for same things. And my answer is same: no. If you want it, edit code and compile it yourself.
Dont be a 10years old schoolboy, stop asking everyone about everything.

Horsedick 06-21-2012 13:09

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)

Originally Posted by TsooJ (Post 1733073)
Uhm, Is there a way to load sm_spyvision at plugin start. So admins automaticly start this plugin without using the command sm_spyvision.

I'm sorry for being obscure.

I believe if you look thru the code where it says "enable" such as line 15 - change from false to true

also line 50, and I think 100 but I don't intend to run it

TsooJ 06-21-2012 13:45

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)

Originally Posted by Leonardo (Post 1733213)
You're asking for same things. And my answer is same: no. If you want it, edit code and compile it yourself.
Dont be a 10years old schoolboy, stop asking everyone about everything.

Sorry dad... :nono:

And Horsedick I will definitly try this out thank you :)

minimoney1 06-21-2012 13:52

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)
The enable bool has to do with the enable cvar's value.

But yes, lines 50 and 100 are what you need to change, just change the false to true and the change will (should) take place.

Horsedick 06-21-2012 15:17

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)

Originally Posted by minimoney1 (Post 1733304)
The enable bool has to do with the enable cvar's value.

But yes, lines 50 and 100 are what you need to change, just change the false to true and the change will (should) take place.

yeah mini is right..ignore line 15 just do the others :)

TsooJ 06-21-2012 16:06

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)
Yeah I tested that but ALL players will see the detections. I need only admins to see it ;)

I found out when changing this false to true it happens:


public OnPlayerActivate( Handle:hEvent, const String:strEventName[], bool:bDontBroadcast )
        new iClient = GetClientOfUserId( GetEventInt( hEvent, "userid" ) );
        if( !IsValidClient(iClient) )
        bClientEnabled[iClient] = false;

Is there a possibility to set this to true but adds a admin flag to it?

minimoney1 06-21-2012 17:09

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)
1 Attachment(s)
Here use the attached plugin and tell me if it works or not.

TsooJ 06-21-2012 17:19

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)
There is a compile error.

//spyvision.sp<100> : error 017:undefined symbol "client"
//1 error

minimoney1 06-21-2012 17:29

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)
Eh try the new version... I'm stupid :P

TsooJ 06-21-2012 17:34

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)
sorry to say but

//spyvision.sp<3> : fatal error 120: cannot read from file "sourcemod"


Oops im sorry wrong one I mean this one <101> missing the extra ) but that is okay ;)

minimoney1 06-21-2012 17:45

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)
K use it now... I'm really stupid :(

TsooJ 06-21-2012 17:57

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)
Its working. Awesome dude and it learned me alot about understanding this script.

Thank you, great work :)

SlyJab 08-18-2012 01:03

Re: [TF2] Spy-vision v1.0.1 (21.06.2012)

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