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Zor 04-26-2005 17:14

DBI Clan Management for Amxmodx Commands
3 Attachment(s)
This is a mod inspecific Clan Management System for Admins who are busy, and dont need the hastle of managing their clan flags for amxmodx. It will handle any number of Clans / Ranks / Members. In brief its easy, once its setup. It takes a bit to setup and I am working on a Web Interface for it but at the moment do NOT have the time to complete it. Help in this area would be appreciated. Ok to details:

1) You MUST have a DBI.
2) You MUST enable the dbi in you modules.ini
3) You MUST put in the proper information in your sql.cfg

1) Once you have created your DB in lets say MySQL you must install the clanmanager.sql (For further info ask somewhere else plz)
2) Next you must edit the clanmanager_inputs.sql to suit your clan (I have provided a demo version to go with this plugin)
2a) If your editing it you will notice that there are alot of '(s)' these denote spaces within the clan tag. So lets say your a General, and your clan tag is |BW| and your name is Zor, the plugin will autorename you when you join the server, if enabled, to the following: |BW| Gen Zor, what its actually seeing is the following: |BW|(s)Gen(s)Zor, and will repace the (s) with white space. so you must take care in your setup before installing it to your DB. Ok so lets get into the examples.

First the Clan Definition:

INSERT INTO clan_manager_clans VALUES (1, 'The Generic Clan', 'Generic Clan', '[GC](s)', '(s)|UC|', 1);
Lets break it down:
// This is the Reference for this clan, first one
// This is the Full Clan Name
'The Generic Clan',
// This is the Clan Tag
// What goes in front of the player name
// What goes in after the player name
// Position of the rank in the group, it starts at 0

So for this generic clan the result would look like this:
[GC] (Rank) PlayerName |UC|

Next lets go over the Clan Ranks:

INSERT INTO clan_manager_levels VALUES (1, 24, 'General', '(s)(Gen)', 'abcdefghijkmnopqrsltu');
Lets break it down:
// This is the clan this Rank is associated with
// This is the index of this Rank
// This is the full name of the Rank
// This is the short name of the Rank
// These are the Amxmodx Flags this Rank is Granted

Now you HAVE to ensure to edit these appropriately.

Lastly we will go over the Clan Members:

INSERT INTO clan_manager_members VALUES ('STEAM_0:0:000000', 'John(s)Doe', 1, 24, NOW(), NOW(), '0', '0', '', '1');
Lets break it down:
// Duh! Hehehe
// This is the members name WITHOUT clan stuff
// This is the clan he belongs too
// This is his Rank Reference, in this case General
// When did he join the clan
// When was the last time he was on a clan server
// Is he a webadmin (Stub for Now)
// Level of webadmin (Stub for Now)
// His Webadmin Password (Stub for Now)
// Is he an active member
'1'); DO NOT NEED TO SETUP MEMBERS THIS WAY! You can wait untill they are on the server and use the clan_menu Menu to add ppl and assign them a Rank.

So putting it all for our demo. John Doe joins the server, it looks at his Steam ID and then determines what clan he is in, what rank he is, and then assigns the Amxmodx Flags respective of his rank to him. And then if enabled it will then rename him, great for those automatic promotions, or sill pricks that like to play on the server with a pseudo name, in this regard the Player will get named the following:


[GC] (Gen) Joh Doe |UC|
So, all in all thats about sums it up. Once point you can leave ppl in the users.ini if you wish...just make sure that this plugin is placed IMEDIATELY after the admins.amxx in your plugins.ini.

Question let me know in this thread!


- Be!
- Added change info and moved the actuall check of user into a function of its own
- Changed all the LIKE to RLIKE for regular expresions, added server_print so that if called from console the caller gets some info on whats up
- Fixed the sql setup to eliminate all the redundant connections to the sql server
- Fixed it so that on the demote and promote it will tell the rank name not the number
- Added the NOW() for last time they connected
- Added setting a clan member to a certian level
- Fixed up the sql result calls
- Added first join in the member add
- Fixed error with the names with spaces in them not renaming correct
- Added menus, at this moment they are looping, not sure why. Will continue testing
v0.3a - Menus are working
v0.4 - Worked on the sql connection area and now only have one connect instead of a bunch.
v0.5 - Fixed errors with dbi_num_rows
v0.5a - Added clan_listmembers, and clan_active as well as menus for the clan_active

- Get a working web interface for this

clan_force_rename "0"
clan_replace_delim "(s)"
clan_replace_with " "
clanmanagerdebug "1"

Zor 04-26-2005 17:58

For those of you interested in a text version of this plugin



Revolution 05-10-2005 18:36

Haven't tried it yet, but it looks very usefull... Just wondering if you could use the same mysql database for more then one server..... I don't think this should be a problem, just wondering if anyone has tried it.....


Proach 05-11-2005 03:32

wooh zor
another great plugin from you!! damn this looks really nice :D

damn If I only knew a little php I could help you ..hmm I relaly gotta learn some..
thank you!!

Zor 05-11-2005 10:30


You can store as many clans in the one DB as you want. Billlionssss...well you get the idea. I at the moment have 3 clans stored in my DB. 1 is my clan, the second is a loose conglmerate of ppl that wear the [RATZ] tag at the end of their name, they have no admin on the server, but it names the, with the tag. The last is a friend clan who again has no admin, but is easy to add cause I did it for them.

Thanks for the kind words. I did kinda have an interface for it. But I wanted it to be secure and I just dont have time to do it up. What I have been trying to complete is an easy to use website content management system that would be for clans who use Amxmodx. This CMS would house real time stats, clan management, ban managament (Basic), a News Front page, phpbb forums, and be very versatile and allow developers to develop modules for it real easy. So far time is my enemy as well as making the code SUPER EASY!!! So even ppl who know little about php can use this and develop modules for it. Anyway! Anyone fit this bill let me know!

Proach 05-11-2005 10:41


Thanks for the kind words. I did kinda have an interface for it. But I wanted it to be secure and I just dont have time to do it up. What I have been trying to complete is an easy to use website content management system that would be for clans who use Amxmodx. This CMS would house real time stats, clan management, ban managament (Basic), a News Front page, phpbb forums, and be very versatile and allow developers to develop modules for it real easy. So far time is my enemy as well as making the code SUPER EASY!!! So even ppl who know little about php can use this and develop modules for it. Anyway! Anyone fit this bill let me know!

w00h now that is what I called ambitious!, maybe you should work together with some other mods (for example JGHG cause of his forum mod :)) and some l33t php'er ( I though devicenull was a good php scripter?)
anyway you probably figured that out yourself.. hmm I can be beta tester or so? nothing much more I can do I guess since Im an endless n00b at coding and stuff

Revolution 05-18-2005 12:33

OK installed pluggin, and I'm getting errors in server console.

1. Couldn't exec custom.cfg
I have custom.cfg installed in mod/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/

2. Couldn't exec sql.cfg
I have sql.cfg installed in mod/addons/amxmodx/config/

It sounds looks like it is not finding the .cfg files.
before installing plugin, I was running admin_sql.amxx and it worked fine. I created the for clan_manager tables in the same database as the admin_sql, commented out admin_sql.amxx in the plugins.ini and added the clanmanager.amxx.

Any Ideas on why they aren't executing?


Revolution 05-18-2005 13:36

OK, Nevermind. I moved those files to the mod/ directory and they execute now, However I am now having problems in game, the Menu seams to be looping.

When the server is first started, I type clanmenu in the game console, and it says unknown command, I close the console and the menu is there. I press 1 to add a player It brings up a list of players in the server, I select the player, then it asks for the clan, I select the clan, and then the menu disapears. However that player is not added to the database. When I bring up the menu again, it doesn't matter what option I chose (except 0), it brings up the main menu again.

I have added one clan, several ranks, and several members to the DB, and the admin and the naming part works, ie: when I log on the server with a different name, it changes my name, and gives me admin.... but the adding users or changing users in game doesn't seem to be working.

I have to say I am very impressed with your coding Zor, It seems to be very clean, and effective. I am looking forward to the Web-Interface.


Proach 05-18-2005 18:32


1. Couldn't exec custom.cfg
I have custom.cfg installed in mod/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/

how the fuck did you think of that..? a cfg in the lang folder..

did you putted it in the configs folder?
maybe that works (not sure )
and are you sql settings al set up good in sql.cfg?[/small]

Revolution 05-18-2005 19:11


how the fuck did you think of that..? a cfg in the lang folder..
up above where you dl the (wich has the custom.cfg file in it) it says "Dictionary file install here: mod/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/ so I put everything that was in that zip in that folder... no where did it say to put it anywhere else...

did you putted it in the configs folder?
maybe that works (not sure )
I already had a sql.cfg file in the configs from when I was using admin_sql apperantly the plugin doesn't look in the config folder for the sql.cfg

Like I said I figured it out. I put both of them in the mod/ folder and it worked.

and are you sql settings al set up good in sql.cfg?
Duh!!!! if it gives me admin and changes my name to whats in the db, I think it is set up right


Proach 05-18-2005 19:17


up above where you dl the (wich has the custom.cfg file in it) it says "Dictionary file install here: mod/addons/amxmodx/data/lang/ so I put everything that was in that zip in that folder... no where did it say to put it anywhere else...
you could use your brans as well
anyway.. sorry I can't help :P

Revolution 05-18-2005 21:35


Originally Posted by proach
you could use your brans as well
anyway.. sorry I can't help :P

You could also learn to spell... but anyway.. Zor, I also get the message in game console when I try to add a member " Clan Doesn't Exist in DB: '1'Error: 'None' "

and I get this in server console
L 05/18/2005 - 19:56:55: [sql_clan_manager.amxx] action_clan_menu: clan_add
L 05/18/2005 - 19:56:59: [sql_clan_manager.amxx] action_players_menu: clan_add "
-=)PF(=- player" 1
L 05/18/2005 - 19:56:59: [sql_clan_manager.amxx] clan_add_member: Nick=-=)PF(=-
player Clan ID=1 Tag=1
L 05/18/2005 - 19:56:59: [AMXX] Native error in "dbi_query" on line 1662 (plugin
L 05/18/2005 - 19:56:59: [MYSQL] Invalid database handle -1
L 05/18/2005 - 19:56:59: [AMXX] Debug Trace =>
L 05/18/2005 - 19:56:59: [AMXX] [0] Line 1662, File "sql_clan_manager.sma"

L 05/18/2005 - 19:56:59: [AMXX] [1] Line 399, File "sql_clan_manager.sma"
L 05/18/2005 - 19:56:59: [AMXX] Native error in "dbi_num_rows" on line 404 (file
L 05/18/2005 - 19:56:59: [MYSQL] Invalid result handle -6


Zor 05-19-2005 07:06

Ok there are some errors in the menu that I know of. These happen as its not exacting the menu using the DB. So I've been having problems on my server as well. So will get back into it once I come back from leave. Try using the console commands to add the players. Im pretty sure they are fine. Again, its a bit flaky with the sql, dont know why...drops connectsions sometimes. Happens. So I will be working on it shortly.


Revolution 05-19-2005 13:29

Sounds Good, thanks for the response, I will look forward to hearing back from you, and I will try using the console commands. I am familiar with java and c++ I just wish I new more about the HL and amxx functions as well as sql...I eventually I will find the time to learn, maybe this summer when I am not in school. I guess I gotta just get in and do it. Well if you need any help testing or would like any suggestions for future versions or anything else let me know.....


Revolution 07-17-2005 22:37

Hey Zor,

I tried using the console commands but that didn't work either so i removed the plugin for now. any chance of an update comming out soon?


Zor 07-17-2005 22:58

Yes there will be one, but when I can't be sure. I use it with a webinterface that I am developing. So its not been that hectic to get working. I will look into it, I get same errors. But if you add the members using phpmyadmin or and sql admin gui it still works perfect, its just the interface to it thats having problems.


VanillA Ice 07-18-2005 00:06


Thanks for the kind words. I did kinda have an interface for it. But I wanted it to be secure and I just dont have time to do it up. What I have been trying to complete is an easy to use website content management system that would be for clans who use Amxmodx. This CMS would house real time stats, clan management, ban managament (Basic), a News Front page, phpbb forums, and be very versatile and allow developers to develop modules for it real easy. So far time is my enemy as well as making the code SUPER EASY!!! So even ppl who know little about php can use this and develop modules for it. Anyway! Anyone fit this bill let me know!


wow thats down

hope you dont charge us for it ;) just j/k

FANTSTIC job on this gets a well deserved 5 out 5!

bmann_420 11-11-2005 19:27

This is very nice Zor, the only thing is on your other one you have 4 sets, leader commands admin and new guy or whatever. this has like 20, can i just edit the clanmanagerinput.sql and that would be it or is it way more complex than that?

bmann_420 12-21-2005 21:03

And Im gettin these errors with the tables made and everything setup,

12/21/2005 - 14:53:31: [MYSQL] Invalid result handle 0
L 12/21/2005 - 14:53:31: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "sql_clan_manager.amxx")
L 12/21/2005 - 14:53:31: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "dbi_free_result")
L 12/21/2005 - 14:53:31: [AMXX]    [0] sql_clan_manager.sma::doQuery (line 1660)
L 12/21/2005 - 14:53:31: [AMXX]    [1] sql_clan_manager.sma::checkAccess (line 290)
L 12/21/2005 - 14:53:31: [AMXX]    [2] sql_clan_manager.sma::client_infochanged (line 252)
L 12/21/2005 - 14:53:36: [MYSQL] Invalid result handle 0

Any Ideas? Using MySql

Zor 12-22-2005 08:17

I have a new version, just making sure everything works. I will post it right now.


Zor 12-22-2005 09:13

*** UPDATED ***


v0.5 - Fixed errors with dbi_num_rows
v0.5a - Added clan_listmembers, and clan_active as well as menus for the clan_active
Have updated this plugin. Very stable so far. Please let me know if you locate any bugs.


bmann_420 12-22-2005 12:13

Omgzors your alive Zor! Ty very much my friend, you are truley a life saver.

EDIT: I just got this,

L 12/22/2005 - 09:18:04: [dbi_clanmanager.amxx] The server encountered an error while performing query = 'SELECT nick,ref_clan_index,ref_level_index,active FROM clan_manager_members WHERE steamid='BOT' LIMIT 1' Function = 'client_authorized' Error = 'Unknown column 'active' in 'field list''
L 12/22/2005 - 09:18:04: [dbi_clanmanager.amxx] The server encountered an error while performing query = 'SELECT nick,ref_clan_index,ref_level_index,active FROM clan_manager_members WHERE steamid='BOT' LIMIT 1' Function = 'client_authorized' Error = 'Unknown column 'active' in 'field list''

L 12/22/2005 - 09:18:18: [dbi_clanmanager.amxx] The server encountered an error while performing query = 'SELECT nick,ref_clan_index,ref_level_index,active FROM clan_manager_members
WHERE steamid='STEAM_0:1:8189548' LIMIT 1' Function = 'client_authorized' Error = 'Unknown column 'active' in 'field list''
L 12/22/2005 - 09:18:18: [dbi_clanmanager.amxx] The server encountered an error while performing query = 'SELECT nick,ref_clan_index,ref_level_index,active FROM clan_manager_members WHERE steamid='STEAM_0:1:8189548' LIMIT 1' Function = 'client_authorized' Error = 'Unknown column 'active' in 'field list''
L 12/22/2005 - 09:18:47: [dbi_clanmanager.amxx] The server encountered an error while performing query = 'SELECT nick,ref_clan_index,ref_level_index,active FROM clan_manager_members WHERE steamid='STEAM_0:1:3743420' LIMIT 1' Function = 'client_authorized' Error = 'Unknown column 'active' in 'field list''

Did I do something wrong in the sql script? Should I take out the active column?

Zor 12-22-2005 14:16

Ok need to create patch for the SQL file to do updates...just a second...



**** Update ****
Ok for those of you who were using this plugin BEFORE this release. There is a patch file for your SQL in the dbi_sql_files.rar posted at the head of this thread. Please grab it and check it out. This is needed for the plugin to work.


bmann_420 12-22-2005 20:15

Im still gettin this with everything changed,


L 12/22/2005 - 17:14:54: [MYSQL] No more results in handle 38
L 12/22/2005 - 17:14:54: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "dbi_clanmanager.amxx")
L 12/22/2005 - 17:14:54: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "dbi_result")
L 12/22/2005 - 17:14:54: [AMXX]    [0] dbi_clanmanager.sma::checkAccess (line 313)
L 12/22/2005 - 17:14:54: [AMXX]    [1] dbi_clanmanager.sma::client_infochanged (line 254)

Zor 12-23-2005 07:45

I had that error before. Let me look at it and see whats up.



How long is your name, more than 32 characters? And are there members in you SQL? When is this happening? Is it still giving you admin rights? Let me know.


bmann_420 12-23-2005 13:11

This happens right when i start the plugin. I have yet to even use this plugin. This is what the sql admins look like,


SteamID nick ref_level_index webadmin webpass   
STEAM_0:1:3743420 |AoC| Masta)the(Disasta 24 0
STEAM_0:0:2234170 |AoC| Rambo 24 0

None over 32 characters.

iceman559 12-23-2005 18:25

Hello I am actually hosting the db for the bmann.

there are 29 members in the clan_manager_members db in which the longest name is 27 characters.

the structure is:
steamid nick ref_clan_index ref_level_index firstjoined lastconnected webadmin weblevel webpass active

and all entries are formatted as:
STEAM_0:1:3743420 |AoC| Masta)the(Disasta 1 24 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0 0 0

I bolded every other entry for it to be read easier

bmann_420 12-23-2005 18:47

TY Ice

Zor 12-24-2005 08:58

Ok guys, I'm going to asume that the following is true.

This is an example of your members table:


STEAM_0:0:000000 |AoC| Masta)the(Disasta 1 24  0000-00-00 00:00:00 0000-00-00 00:00:00 0 0 0
When in fact you have your clan tag in the name. This is incorrect and most likely causeing the errors. You must have a clan to query against. Within this clan should be the clan tag. And in your case it would look as such:


1, 'Army of Chaos', '|AoC|', '|AoC|(s)', '', 4
This is as follows:
1 = The index for the clan
'The AoC Clan' = This is the Long name of the clan
'|AoC|' = The Short name for the Clan
'|AoC|(s)' = The Tag that goes in front of the nick
'' = The Tag that goes after the nick
4 = The placement of the Rank ( Which you dont have )

Next you must ensure even though you DONT have ranks to have a rank structure setup for ppl. For example, you have 4 ranks:
Top Admin
Middle Admin
Lower Admin

You dont need to have a rank but they must be part of the levels. So it would move from bottom up, in other words your first entry should be the lowest level, in this case Recruit and make its way up to top admin:
1, 1, 'Recruit', '', 'jtu'

Broken down:
1 = The clan this rank belongs to
1 = The level of reference
'Recruit' = The Name of the level
'' = The Rank tag that will be added to the name
'jtu' = The amxmodx admin level

The next three would be as follows:

1, 2, 'Lower Admin', '', 'abcefijstu'
1, 3, 'Middle Admin', '', 'abcdefgijkqrstu'
1, 4, 'Top Admin', '', 'abcdefghijkmnopqrsltu'

This will allow you to have everything you need. And all this must be done. And lastly for the members. They should be as follows:

'STEAM_0:0:000000', 'Masta)the(Disasta', 1, 4, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, '', 0, 1

The break down:

'STEAM_0:0:000000' = Steamid
'Masta)the(Disasta' = Nick
1 = The Clan
4 = The Level
'0000-00-00 00:00:00' = When they joined
'0000-00-00 00:00:00' = Last time they were on the server
0 = Are they a webadmin ( Once the webpage is created )
'' = There webadmin Password in MD5 ( Once the webpage is created )
0 = What is their level of webadministration ( Once the webpage is created )
1 = Are they active 1 = yes 0 = new

Anyway. Check your DB and let me know. I am not getting any errors!

Also you should run the following against your DB:

UPDATE clan_manager_members SET active=1
Your members seem to be inactive, as in active=0

bmann_420 12-24-2005 15:45

Wow, well thank you for that very descriptive response. We will try that and see, and ty again. And its Christmas Eve!

bmann_420 01-12-2006 01:08

I was wondering about this, I think the first part, well I dunno. But the rest i believe is because of the bots, any way to bypass them?

01/11/2006 - 22:04:46: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "dbi_clanmanager.amxx")
L 01/11/2006 - 22:04:46: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "dbi_result")
L 01/11/2006 - 22:04:46: [AMXX]    [0] dbi_clanmanager_803.sma::checkAccess (line 313)
L 01/11/2006 - 22:04:46: [AMXX]    [1] dbi_clanmanager_803.sma::client_infochanged (line 254)
L 01/11/2006 - 22:06:52: [admin_sql.amxx] Login: "|AoC| Masta)the(Disasta<38><STEAM_0:1:3743420><>" became an admin (account "STEAM_0:1:3743420") (access "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu") (address "")
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:10: [dbi_clanmanager.amxx] The server encountered an error while performing query = 'SELECT nick,ref_clan_index,ref_level_index,active FROM clan_manager_members WHERE steamid='STEAM_0:1:3743420' LIMIT 1' Function = 'client_authorized' Error = 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query'
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:11: [dbi_clanmanager.amxx] |AoC| Masta)the(Disasta<STEAM_0:1:3743420> became an admin level: (General) access: (abcdefghijklmnopqrstu)
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [MYSQL] No more results in handle 103
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "dbi_clanmanager.amxx")
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "dbi_result")
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX]    [0] dbi_clanmanager_803.sma::checkAccess (line 313)
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX]    [1] dbi_clanmanager_803.sma::client_putinserver (line 244)
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [MYSQL] No more results in handle 104
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "dbi_clanmanager.amxx")
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "dbi_result")
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX]    [0] dbi_clanmanager_803.sma::checkAccess (line 313)
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX]    [1] dbi_clanmanager_803.sma::client_infochanged (line 254)
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [MYSQL] No more results in handle 105
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "dbi_clanmanager.amxx")
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "dbi_result")
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX]    [0] dbi_clanmanager_803.sma::checkAccess (line 313)
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX]    [1] dbi_clanmanager_803.sma::client_infochanged (line 254)
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [MYSQL] No more results in handle 106
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "dbi_clanmanager.amxx")
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "dbi_result")
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX]    [0] dbi_clanmanager_803.sma::checkAccess (line 313)
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX]    [1] dbi_clanmanager_803.sma::client_infochanged (line 254)

IT makes bots up to 4, so when I left it made a bot so I got those

Zor 01-12-2006 09:58

Yes, what the problem there is not with the plugin, but with a loss of connection to the DBI, once the plugin is not connected it will try again to connect upon the next query, but if it doesn't get a connection, or the DBI module itself is bugard, then you Could get these errors. How far away is your DBI? Is it on the same host, or half way around the world.


bmann_420 01-12-2006 14:09

From las Vegas(server) to Scottsdale AZ(DB)

EDIT: It does that every once ina while, but I still get these also,


L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [MYSQL] No more results in handle 103
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "dbi_clanmanager.amxx")
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "dbi_result")
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX]    [0] dbi_clanmanager_803.sma::checkAccess (line 313)
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX]    [1] dbi_clanmanager_803.sma::client_putinserver (line 244)
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [MYSQL] No more results in handle 104
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX] Displaying debug trace (plugin "dbi_clanmanager.amxx")
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX] Run time error 10: native error (native "dbi_result")
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX]    [0] dbi_clanmanager_803.sma::checkAccess (line 313)
L 01/11/2006 - 22:07:54: [AMXX]    [1] dbi_clanmanager_803.sma::client_infochanged (line 254)

Cloud_909 04-24-2006 03:12

How do you add it to mysql.cfg? It keeps lagging the server everytime i do a command cuz it spams mysql error connecting to ip and crap.

How I add to mysql?

or is there a way to make the plugin work without mysql?

And how do i add custom ranks?



Zor 04-24-2006 09:49


I'll have to post up the new version that I have been working on...better yet I will be porting it over to the new Threaded SQL. That way it wont have problems with that kinda lag issues. So shortly.


You should read the instructions on how to add it to the SQL. You have to do this via phpmyadmin, or some such. IT IS NOT ADDED AUTOMATICALLY! This plugin needs you to do some work on the sql side.


Cloud_909 04-24-2006 20:35

Any chance you can get the text version to work, its so much easier :cry:

the text version sounds cool and i love the way certain ranks give you certain flags for admin. Its such a good idea!


Hellfires 06-10-2006 19:15

i was wondering how do i enable DBI and do i need to use mysql ?

Egarim 07-03-2006 09:08

Re: DBI Clan Management for Amxmodx Commands

Originally Posted by Zor
You should read the instructions on how to add it to the SQL. You have to do this via phpmyadmin, or some such. IT IS NOT ADDED AUTOMATICALLY! This plugin needs you to do some work on the sql side.


This plugin is not THAT easy to install for us average admins, the text version is but is unsupported(, I tried the txt version but it has some nasty promote/demote bug), so far I have the DBI enabled but thats pretty much it...
Other than that, cool plugin!!! :gyar:
But does anyone have any suggestions on how adding it without PHPMyAdmin, since PHPMyAdmin isn't installed on most game servers. Well, not on the one my clan has.


Hawk552 07-03-2006 10:19

Re: DBI Clan Management for Amxmodx Commands
I'm releasing something that uses SQLx, is easier to install, and provides more functionality than this. It's also going to be API based, meaning you can easily add to it.

Sorry Zor, but I felt this was too limited.

austrasized 12-09-2006 01:26

Re: DBI Clan Management for Amxmodx Commands
I like the original better, less confusing, less junk, less work to install. the only thing the original was missing was the renaming part, I feel you should go back to the original version and simply add to it small bits. also you should be including with each plugin you make an installation guide not everyone knows how to install these types of plugins........or someone should take the time to write a more extensive guide on writing and installing plugins and db, not saying that you should but someone should i dont know enough to write the guide or i would lol, but point in case if you write a plugin you should tell where to install the files and provide the files needed to make it run not just a portion of the files and expect someone to write the rest of them by themselves. remember most admin are not geniuses and simply like having a server of their own for friends and such, i like to learn but dont have time to do nonstop research on stuff lol......anyway good original bad new peace out zor

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