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Dric Laar 02-16-2008 03:53

Re: Player Spawn Utility

Originally Posted by Zenith77 (Post 585745)
I'm going to approve this one, on the basis that you're around and can hopefully add more features to out perform the other plugin. However, one of these will be approved after a while, just fyi.

You mean unapproved? Anyways, coolio thats its approved!

[DeathTV] Sid 6.7 02-18-2008 22:03

Re: Player Spawn Utility
thank you much going to give this a spin this week

ppl aren't able to spawn on office after 10 per team, and hawk's plugin with the defaults puts ppl in walls and junk

[DeathTV] Sid 6.7 02-20-2008 16:26

Re: Player Spawn Utility
1 Attachment(s)
After using this I really enjoyed the simplicity and solved the spawn problems on cs_office and assault and other popular maps.

If you do make a newer version maybe embed a cvar toggle onto the menu screen, and also possibly make the showing/hiding of the spawnpoints dynamic otherwise its limited to my listenserver because map restarts are disruptive
That's just a christmas list and this is the second spawn plugin I used and I find no reason to go elsewhere :]

For anyone interested attached are 32 spawn fixes for a few maps

PaleRider 03-01-2008 13:16

Re: Player Spawn Utility
Nice Job,
I would like to use your plugin in svencoop. I changed the player models to match ones that exist in svencoop. Yet there is a problem with precache of models.
Have tried using a modified version of "AMX Precache" by Sanji

For some reason the "AMX Precache" plugin is unable to read the default.pre file and precache models like "models/player/gorden/gorden.mdl" But it can precache ones in this format "models/otis.mdl" So I took the liberty of updating your plugin to use matching models. Now it works with your plugin in svencoop. Cool. Although it is kind of limited using models/otis or models/islave

Wonder if you would be willing to include the following functionality?
1. player model precache (apparently not required in CS)
2. option to remove one or more existing spawn points.
3. ability to save the updated bsp with the new spawn points.


SwInGeR 03-02-2008 02:55

Re: Player Spawn Utility
2hlstriker nice, tnx!

PaleRider 03-03-2008 21:31

Re: Player Spawn Utility
Is anyone out there?
You have done a good job with this spawn utility.
Am looking for a tool similar to this plugin with additional features. Goal is to update about 100 maps with multiple spawn points. Then save the maps, so I do not have to run the plugin all the time.

I would try to modify this plugin but I am still learning pawn(small) and it would be kind of a hack job.

If you have the skills, are you willing to help?
What can I offer you. karma? honorable mention in the credits?

hlstriker 03-04-2008 10:51

Re: Player Spawn Utility
Thanks everyone for the feedback.

@ PaleRider: I'm not sure if I will expand this plugin to other mods due to the fact it's already doing a lot that's CS only. Plus the only other mod I know anything about is TFC.

Also, I'm not sure if your idea to add spawn points without using a plugin is possible. You would have to manually add the lines into your BSP file for this using ripent or something (I'm old fashioned so I don't know what else can edit map entities).

Don't think I stopped work on this plugin though, it's still a work in progress.

PaleRider 03-05-2008 19:31

Re: Player Spawn Utility
I see what you mean. something like this would be one way of saving spawns to a file that can be ripented.

  if (saveformat==1){ // write for plugin using format
      if (team==1) sTeam = "T"
      else sTeam = "CT"
      format(line, 127, "%s %d %d %d %d %d %d", sTeam, nOrigin[0], nOrigin[1], nOrigin[2], 0, nAngles[1], 0)
      write_file(Flie, line, -1)
  else if (saveformat==2){ // write for ripent.exe format
      if (team==1) sTeam = "info_player_deathmatch"
      else sTeam = "info_player_start"
      format(line, 127,"{^n  ^"classname^" ^"%s^"",sTeam)
      write_file(Flie, line , -1)
      format(line, 127, "  ^"origin^" ^"%d %d %d^"", nOrigin[0], nOrigin[1], nOrigin[2])
      write_file(Flie, line, -1)
      format(line, 127, "  ^"angle^" ^"0 %d 0^"^n}^n", nAngles[1])
      write_file(Flie, line, -1)

credit: /* Map Spawns Editor v1.0 update [2006-10-23]

This plugin let you ( add & del & edit ) map spawns absolute easy.

cs1.6 03-15-2008 07:08

Re: Player Spawn Utility
which one of the 2 would you recommend?

Map Spawns Editor or this one?

i run alot of plugins, so i try to allways use the one easier on the sys resources.

[DeathTV] Sid 6.7 03-15-2008 14:37

Re: Player Spawn Utility
For just adding spawns use this

HLStriker I am getting spawn warnings on maps where everything is ok, even been told to add -3 (negative 3) spawns to a team.

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